Digital Marketer

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恩福殯儀社企有限公司,是一間持牌的香港殯儀公司,在過去多年為家屬提供專業和值得信任的高質素殯儀服務,擁有籌辦各宗教禮儀之喪禮經驗和知識,能切合到一個家庭中各背景之家屬。恩福以真誠的關懷及豐富的經驗,為逝者規劃一個周詳並且溫馨莊重的告別禮,陪伴家屬渡過哀傷時刻。  Know more

Job Info
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1. 建立符合殯儀公司戰略和長短期目標的品牌數位策略 

Establish a brand digital strategy in line
with the brand strategy,make sure the Long and short term goals can be achieved.  


2. 管理內容運營、精準營銷及社交用戶數據管理,如Facebook專頁 

Manage content operation, precision
marketing and social user data management. 


3. 監察公司廣告動向 

Monitor the company’s advertising


4. 提供 SEM/SEO 策略,通過增加網站流量和優化網站轉換來推動網絡銷售 

Provide SEM/ SEO strategy to drive online
sales by increasing website traffic and optimizing site conversion 


5. 分析各類數據並調查市場,做出相關建議; 

Analyze data and market research to make


6. 完成上級領導交代的其它事務。 

Complete other tasks assigned by superior



College Degree in Marketing or related
discipline (the candidate who has years of experience in digital marketing also
be considered) 


至少 1 年的數位營銷經驗 

At least 1 year of Digital Marketing


對數位營銷工具(如 Facebook 廣告管理器、Google 廣告詞、Google 分析和 CRM)具有良好的知識和經驗 

Good knowledge and experience with digital
marketing tools such as Facebook ad manager, Google ad words, Google analytics,
and CRM 



Self-sufficient learner and critical
thinker with problem-solving skills 



Strong communication skills with
proficiency in written and spoken English and Chinese 


對殯儀行業有相關知識優先考慮 Relevant knowledge of funeral industry is


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