
Employer Info


Job Info

電工,空缺編號【34134】。深水埗區及港九新界各客戶工程地點(不包括與建中的地盤,不涉及公營工程合約/或任何公營【建造工作】(如鋪裝及維修高速公路的相類似【街道工程】),上午8時至下午5時,不需要輪班,每天工作8小時,1小時休息及用膳,每週6天工作,中三程度,3年相關工作經驗,月薪17420。本公司正透過勞工處進行招聘,求職者請致電3155 6733查詢/安排面試 

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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