Royal Capital


行業 : 資訊科技


who we are:

We are an experienced recruiter to help client acquire talents in IT, e-commerce, automation, robotics, etc. We also provide consultancy services to upskill employees in the face of e-commerce, AI, and other evolving technologies. and help them transform their operation in the digital world.

Nowadays the business world is highly competitive and technology-driven. Many conventional business models are integrating with IT ingredients such as E-commence, big data, AI, robotics etc so that their productivity and efficiency can keep up with fast-paced environment and globalization. During pandemic, most SME shared the urge that they should revisit their operation and upskill the employees. Nevertheless, they have not as much resources as large players who are able to hire high calibre professionals/consultancy service to advise their business and bring about upgrades and changes.

That's where we Royal Capital plays a role. We help them seek young, adaptive and passionate-about-technology candidates. Instead of a taking a permanent position immediately, we understand more chilled, work-life balanced and flexible work culture in this generation is more popular. Young people would like to seek interest, job satisfaction, before committing to a job. On the other hand, our clients also want some pilot tasks to be done, in addition to normal interviews, so that they can have accurate assessment on candidates. 

To this end, apart from usual job matching, we also actively help clients seek part time talents on project basis. Both parties can experience work styles, culture, ability, etc through projects before kicking in a long-term relationship.



技主導的年代。傳統行業須建立高科技元素,例如AI/大數據等,以提升生產力及效率。中小企明白提升員工技能及營運升級之迫切,但他們資源相對緊拙 ,同時年輕群對工作心態也逐漸改變。此人力市場趨勢發展下,雙方傾向項目形式合作,磨合期后,僱佣關係更加長久堅固。因此敝司除了為僱主找尋全職人才外,也積極聘用兼職/項目人才。
