
The Corner is the place where you will experience authentic Muay Thai, the art of eight limbs, and a combination of crossfit training. At The Corner, we strive to help you to achieve your fitness goals, whether it is to become a Muay Thai fighter or simply to get a fitter and better body. We aim at becoming your favorite corner for fitness, for sweat, for happiness, for making friends and for a better self. Come to The Corner today to start a small change in your life!

Your victory is around The Corner. Never give up!

The Corner 是一個位於官塘商廈的泰拳拳館。The Corner旨在讓參加者能在最舒適、最乾淨的環境下練習泰拳及鍛煉身體。課程分為泰拳班、女子泰拳班及BoxFit。BoxFit為以泰拳的元素加上不同類型的體能訓練的課程,務求讓參加者在最短的時間內達到最高的燒脂及體能鍛煉效能。即使未曾試過打泰拳,亦歡迎來參加! 
