

Fortnum & Mason is an essential destination for anyone in search of extraordinary food, joy-giving things, unforgettable experiences and exceptional service. First founded in London in 1707 after Queen Anne gave her footman William Fortnum permission to sell on discarded candles from St James’s Palace, Fortnum’s has been privileged to enjoy a close relationship with the British Royal household ever since – holding several warrants throughout its history, including two from Her Majesty The Queen and HRH The Prince of Wales. Every year, millions of people from around the world visit the London flagship in Piccadilly to enjoy Fortnum’s famous Afternoon Tea and shop in its plentiful food, gift and fragrance halls. The iconic brand is celebrated for its teas, Scotch eggs, handmade chocolates, and wicker hampers – each of which play a large part in its centuries of history – and today it remains committed to imagination and discovery. Proud of its storied past and innovating still, Fortnum’s mission remains to deliver a sense of pleasure to every customer, whether they’re shopping in London, at its new outpost in Hong Kong's K11 MUSEA, or from anywhere else in the world at the award-winning Follow Fortnum’s on Instagram (@fortnums, @181fortnums), Twitter and Facebook (@fortnums) and on WeChat and Weibo (@fortnumandmason, @福南梅森), Little Red Book (@fortnum&mason福南梅森).


Fortnum & Mason 匯聚優質食品、精美禮品、難忘體驗和卓越服務。安妮女王允許其僕人 William Fortnum 保留聖詹姆士宮用剩的蠟燭轉售,促使他於 1707 年在倫敦創立 Fortnum & Mason,自此一直與皇室保持密切連繫,多年來獲得多項皇家認證,其中兩項更由英女王和威爾斯親王查理斯王子頒發。每年也有數以百萬計來自世界各地的顧客親臨 Piccadilly 旗艦店,享用 Fortnum’s 著名的下午茶,以及選購產品種類繁多的食品、禮品和香水。品牌以茶葉、蘇格蘭雞蛋、手工朱古力和禮籃見稱,這些特色產品均為 Fortnum’s 譜寫了多個世紀的精彩故事,而 Fortnum’s 至今仍然不斷推陳出新,帶來新穎的體驗。Fortnum’s 以傳奇歷史和創新精神自豪,無論顧客在倫敦店、全新香港 K11 MUSEA 自營店、還是在屢獲殊榮的 購物,Fortnum’s 也以締造愉悅體驗為使命。透過 Instagram (@fortnums, @181fortnums)、Twitter、 Facebook (@fortnums)、微信和微博(@fortnumandmason, @福南梅森), 小紅書 (@fortnum&mason福南梅森) 緊貼 Fortnum’s 的最新消息
