負責一般司機工作及其他工廠廠務工作, 於大埔工業邨取車;有三年或以上駕駛經驗
負責進行切割紙張及協助生產流程, 有2年相關經驗者將優先考慮
Promote and develop an online shopping platform. Build and maintain a strong relationship with clients, partners, and stakeholders. Manage the operations to ensure organization is running efficiently and effectively.
負責操縱平張印刷機生產工作, 印製雜誌及書刊, 小學畢業, 需具2-3年操作海德堡平張印刷機經驗
負責協助機長操作機器釘裝印刷品、為製成品包裝打帶及其他廠務工作. 中小學畢業,較多經驗者會被考慮為釘裝技工
Promote and develop an online shopping platform. Build and maintain a strong relationship with clients, partners, and stakeholders. Manage the operations to ensure organization is running efficiently and effectively.