LuxMed Medical Group Limited


行業 : 其他公司類型



逸苗是全港⾸間以「medical lounge」(「醫療會所」)為概念的⼀站式私⼈健康管理中⼼。時刻關注您和家⼈的⼀⽣健康,逸苗是您值得信賴的專業醫療顧問和⽣命夥伴。我們堅守最嚴格的國際醫療標準,提供完善的線上諮詢與個⼈檔案平台、無微不至的⾼端服務,並對病⼈做出終身關愛的承諾。在逸苗,您可以放⼼您的家⼈的健康會得到最佳照顧。我們致⼒成為全中國兒童接種最有效的疫苗,在各⽅⾯均⼒求卓越。我們充滿活⼒的團隊,提供最優質的醫療服務,對傳統醫療流程及體驗作出劃時代之改⾰,利⽤⾃家研發的尖端流程管理及多項作業程式,如晶⽚追蹤系統,智能冷凍儲存系統等配合微信平台實現醫療電⼦化,⾰新醫療⾏業,締造業界奇蹟。

Why works for us?

!! What We are?

The First “Medical Lounge” health manage center in Hong Kong

 We are the pioneer and leader in children vaccines immunization services


!! Our mission 

Finest care for Your family at LuxMed 

With customer’s family’s lifelong being in mind, LuxMed is customer’s trust life partner and premium professional medical consultant who truly understands and cares.


!! Our Brand personality

  • Confident
  • Warm and Caring
  • Meticulous


!! Our Future Plan 

Our flagship lounge will open in this year and it’s going to be 4 times bigger than we are now.


!! A summary of our competitive strengths

Unlike “assembly-line” or “government clinic”




LuxMed Place a strong emphasis on adopting quality control and assurance systems that meet the highest standard for medical and vaccines

  • We have a stringent set of policies on vaccine storage and warehouse management
  • All our vaccines are attached with tag-chips by RFID.
  • Vaccine Vial Monitors (VVM) are used to monitor the changes of temperature of vaccines. 



  • 80% of members in our medical team being registered doctors and registered nurses.
  • the best internal control system in Hong Kong that excels typical private clinics in Hong Kong. LuxMed’s compliance team is formed by 5 professional includes certified public accountants, specialist and solicitors


Outstanding Services

  • Our medical lounge is luxuriously cozy. We put great effort in excelling lounge experience with every furnishing part and amenities to food and beverage which makes every moment here truly unforgettable.
  • Our customer services team are well trained and their services is up to 5 stars hotels standard 


Self-developed cutting-edge process management and IT system

  • Online Access Platform, a mobile accessible platform programmed for customers to retrieve own vaccination history and understand vaccines related information and guidance
  • Booking System, an airline-like booking system
  • Treatments Auto Reminder System
  • Self-verification system can monitor and record each medical procedure accurately to ensure zero prescription defect


Get ready to join our fast growing and energetic team!

