Russell Company
行業 : 零售業
MiNT 正在高速發展,成立十年以來,由一人小店經營至現在二十人小戰團,為本地品牌出一分力。現我們正擴大銷售團隊,誠邀你加入成為一份子,機會難得!我們主售各類型即影即有相機,熱賣SX-70系列,同時更積極發明及推出MiNT品牌的相機及配件。數年前我們推出了全球首部雙鏡即影即有相機,還自設了大型寶麗來相機保養及維修中心,致力在世界各地推廣菲林攝影文化。 我們熱愛攝影及產品設計,歡迎你加入MiNT。
MiNT is a steady growing startup in Hong Kong. Founded ten years ago as a humble online shop with just one person, we are now working as a team of 20 people. This is your chance to join us! We love photography and believe in excellent design. We have been promoting Polaroid SX-70 and Impossible film ever since Polaroid stopped making instant film. A few years ago, our team introduced the world's first twin lens instant camera. We also own the largest Polaroid warranty center in the world. Find us here: