Temporary Clerical Assistants I/II ~Contract period will be from 1 month to 1 year~




願景 為完成香港大學致力為社會開拓終身學習機會的使命,香港大學專業進修學院矢志成為一所領導國際的教育機構,為香港、中國內地以至亞太地區提供專業而優質的持續教育。 使命 聯同香港大學、本地及海外機構,開拓終身學習機會,以助提升個人、學業、專業及事業方面的發展。 與不同界別的持份者攜手合作,了解本港、中國內地,以至亞太地區的人才需求,提供卓越的教育及培訓。 推動終身學習,實現具公民學養及生活優...了解更多



Duties: The appointees will provide clerical support, including English and Chinese word processing, filing, data input and answering general enquiries. Shift duties may be required. The contract period will be from 1 month to 1 year, depending on operational needs. Part-time posts are also available.

Requirements: (i) Level 2 or equivalent or above in five subjects including Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) or equivalent; or (ii) Level 2 / Grade E or above in five subjects including Chinese Language and English Language in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), or equivalent. Good command of written and spoken English, Chinese and Putonghua as well as proficiency in computer skills including Microsoft Office and Chinese word processing. Immediate availability will be an advantage.

Applications: Please send your application quoting the reference number to the Human Resources Team, HKU SPACE, 7/F., T. T. Tsui Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong. You may apply online or download an application form from http://hkuspace.hku.hk/jobs. The application form can also be obtained by fax (852) 2540 3271.

The information provided in an application will only be used for the purpose of consideration for appointment by HKU SPACE. Candidates will be contacted for interview if their applications are shortlisted. Unsuccessful applications will be kept for a maximum period of 6 months. 




