初級見習會計文員學師助理 Junior Account Trainee Cadet Assistant
Simon S.W. Lui & Co.
We are Certified Public Accountants firm. We engage mainly in Auditing, Accounting,Company Secretarial and taxation Services 了解更多
初級見習會計文員學師助理 工作 本行為會計師行
中五程度; 一般粵語; 懂讀寫中文; 無需經驗,無需加班。歡迎本港或新來港定居人士申請
*Work Life balance 公司文化 *無OT文化 *提供在職培訓
星期一至五: 上午9時至下午5時半及星期六: 上午9時至下午1時
*求職者可以whatsapp 9238 4819 或email acc8168@yahoo.com查詢或發送履歷申請工作*
Junior Account Trainee Cadet Assistant works. We are Certified Public Accountants firm.
On the job training will be provided by us, therefore: No any experience require from applicants
We stress on Work –Life Balance, therefore: No any Overtime work require from staff
Applicants may also enquire or apply through whatsapp Resume to : 9238 4819