客戶主任, 屯門
HKT Services LTD
About HKT Consumer Business Group A member of HKT, the market’s only quadruple-play experience provider, the Consumer Business Group offers an array of telecommunications and smart living products ...了解更多
- 解答客戶的一般查詢及恰當地處理客戶的投訴,並致力提供客戶滿意的服務
- 把握機會在通話/ 電郵/ 社交媒體中推廣公司產品/服務或跟進續約事宜
- 積極學習公司產品,系統以及流動通訊市場的有關知識,促進日常工作的順利進行
- 根據公司的要求執行其他指定的工作
- 中學文憑試/中學會考程度或以上
- 能以流利中英文和普通話溝通
- 懂基本電腦操作及懂中英輸入法
- 對流動通訊行業的業務性質和發展感興趣;具客戶服務或使用智能電話、互聯網和數據產品與社交平台經驗者優先
- 持有保險中介人資格(卷一及卷二)者優先考慮
- 工作地點: 近屯門西鐵站
- 傳送資歷及要求待遇至 career-cso@pccw.com 或
- WhatsApp 6392 5242 (https://wa.me/85263925242)
- 致電人力資源部 3922 6514/ 3922 6540 查詢
We offer attractive & competitive salary and benefits, an exciting work environment and excellent career development opportunities. If you have the desire for an exciting and rewarding career, please send us your resume (please put our ref no. on the application subject), stating your present and expected salary to Human Resources Department by sending Email to career-cso@pccw.com or WhatsApp 6392 5242 for enquiries.
For more information on other job opportunities of PCCW, please visit our website: www.pccw.com.
HKT is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates. Information provided will be treated in strict confidence and will only be used for recruitment-related purposes. Personal data provided by job applicants will be used strictly in accordance with the employer's privacy statement (http://www.hkt.com/privacy-statement), a copy of which will be provided immediately upon request.