停車場道路管制督導主管 Road Management Supervisor (Airport Area)
港珠澳大橋香港口岸人工島自動化停車場是與香港機場管理局聯合營運,該項目是香港特區政府施政報告中提到的重點交通民生工程,屬於「粵車南下」計劃的首階段。停車場第一期預計於今年四月落成, 佔地約28,600平方米,將提供大約一千個車位,並全數採用AGV智能泊車技術。 自動化停車場投入使用後,通過港珠澳大橋駕車到港的旅客可使用自動化停車場泊車,隨後經中轉客運大樓直接前往閘口登機,無需入境香港,從而...了解更多
- 能夠及時應變處理道路情況,安排資源分配,並與管理人員緊密溝通
- 中七或以上學歷,具有至少三年相關工作經驗,其中至少一年擔任督導角色; 或中五( HKCEE )或中六( HKDSE )學歷,具有至少五年相關工作經驗,其中至少兩年擔任督導角色
- 良好監督技巧,能操流利廣東話、良好英文和普通話書寫及口語能力
- 良好客戶服務及溝通技巧
- 持有有效駕駛執照01 和02並過去有良好駕駛記錄
- 持有有效保安人員許可證
- 具備道路、交通管理和急救技能
- 具有執法相關經驗,並了解《道路交通條例》及其附屬法例、的士營運及其他交通相關法規
- 在緊急情況下能夠按時返回崗位,居住地與工作地點交通時間少於30分鐘人士將獲優先考慮
- 有紀律部隊經驗者更佳
該職位需輪更工作,工作時間在05:40-00:40 內,每天工作9.5小時,包括1小時用膳時間。每週工作6天 (輪休) 。
申請人可點擊「快速申請 」經網上遞交履歷,或將履歷電郵至vennyyam@pyengineering.com,並註明現時和期望薪酬及可到職日期。
Job Duties:
- Be able to promptly respond to the operational situation to make necessary arrangement with rearranging the available resources and meanwhile effectively communicate with the managerial staff
Job Requirement:
- Form 7 education or above with minimum 3 years of relevant working experience in which at least 1 year in supervisory role; or Form 5 (HKCEE) or Form 6 (HKDSE) education with minimum 5 years of relevant working experience in which at least 2 years in supervisory role
- Good supervisory technique with proficiency in written/spoken skill in English, Chinese and Putonghua
- Good customer service and communication skills
- Possess valid driving license 01 & 02 is preferred
- Possess a valid Security Personnel Permit
- Good technical skills, e.g. road work, traffic management and first aid
- Relevant experience in law enforcement
- Able to report for duty in the event of emergency and/or operational requirement, those with travelling time of less than 30 minutes between workplace and living place have an advantage
- Preferable with disciplinary force experience
This position requires shift work, with hours scheduled between 05:40 and 00:40, totaling 9.5 hours of work each day, including a 1-hour meal break, work 6 days a week (shift holiday).
Interested parties please apply by clicking "QUICK APPLY" or email to vennyyam@pyengineering.com with a detailed CV stating your current & expected salary and date of availability.
All personal data provided will be used strictly in accordance with our “Personal Information Collection Statement Pertaining to Recruitment”, a copy of which is available upon written request to us by E-mail.