公司目錄 - 第 135 頁
Cher2 Nail Polish Store
Cher2 Nail Polish Store是一間美甲用品專門店,主要出售美甲用品及個人護理產品。 我們正拓展業務,誠邀各位加入我們的大家庭:)
行業: 零售業
公司人數: 15
本公司為屋宇署認可I級註冊小型工程承建商(公司),多年來致力為客戶提供專業鋁窗檢驗,維修保養及防漏工程服務。為全港各大小樓宇提供合資格鋁窗檢驗及維修工程。專業團隊 品質可靠
行業: 其他個人服務業
公司人數: 30
Ianick Design Studio
We provide professional photography, graphic design and web design services, which fit with all kind of businesses. We are different from other design houses, as we can provide the combined service...
行業: 商用服務業
公司人數: 3
Savewo Limited
SAVEWO 救世 始創於2020年,是一家專注於應用科技的創新公司,集產品研發、設計及生產於一身,成立初衷是協助香港以至全球抗疫,走出COVID-19陰霾。
行業: 其他製造業
公司人數: 300
This is an online store where you can buy almost everything. It's a one-stop shop for everything from children's to adult products. It's secure, and we make sure that our customers receive the high...
行業: 零售業
公司人數: 10 Ltd Ltd is a photography-content website since 2010. We make use of the social media and internet to communicate and interact with potential customers and prospects of our clients for bran...
行業: 廣告業
公司人數: 40
Ukecreate Technologies Limited promotes the use of technological innovations within the nonprofit sector by setting up and implementing software development projects. These social endeavours allow...
行業: 資訊科技
公司人數: 3
Mightfort Engineering (HK) Ltd
We are one of the Contractors under the Specialist List of the Development Bureau, HKSAR and would engage an energetic person to cope with the company’s expansion. Along with this development, sel...
行業: 建造業
公司人數: 20
Xtep Retail Trading Limited
Xtep Retail Trading Limited is a leading multi-brand sportswear company with stylish and functional sportswear products. The Group has further diversified its brand portfolio which now includes int...
行業: 零售業
公司人數: 150
Ponder Education Centre
行業: 教育服務業
公司人數: 6
Bastion Corporate Services Limited
TELEGRAM: @Bastoin_Hk Bastion Corporate Services Limited is a primary registrar of the companies in the UK and Hong Kong. Thanks to our profound experience in international projects, tax optimizat...
行業: 金融業
公司人數: 1
本公司是比較年輕的室內設計公司. 有意聘請合適人選加入我們團隊. 我們需要有活力,有理想,最生活及設計有熱誠的人選. 本公司正在成長期, 營業額每年增長中.
行業: 建造業
公司人數: 3