公司目錄 - 第 353 頁
Jing Kung Educational Press
We are a reputable educational publisher specialized in providing high quality textbooks. We are now on the hunt for a talented, enterprising and enthusiastic Editor/Assistant Editor, Graphic Desi...
行業: 教育服務業
公司人數: 35
Bone's Technology Ltd
Bone's Technology is an innovative start-up company that invested by the Hong Kong X, an investment platform for technology startups. Located in the Hong Kong Science Park, our company focus on res...
行業: 資訊科技
公司人數: 8
BIPO is a leading one-stop human resources provider in Asia Pacific, focused on providing organisations with innovative ways to manage complex end-to-end HR processes. Through our cloud and mobile-...
行業: 商用服務業
公司人數: 1
BOE Trading Company
BOE is among the leading distributors of English ale and cider in these 6 years.BOE Trading has been providing products to some local supermarket and famous English pub. Such as Wellcome supermarke...
行業: 進出口貿易
公司人數: 9 Limited, being one of the most popular online platforms* in Hong Kong, strives to bring extra values to merchants and consumers by not only connecting them seamlessly with our state-of-the-art...
行業: 資訊科技
公司人數: 60
Adecco Personnel Limited
Adecco is a leading human resource solutions company in Hong Kong with general staffing and specialties division. Our comprehensive range of services includes temporary & contract staffing, per...
行業: 商用服務業
公司人數: 120
Worldwide Computer Services Limited
環球電腦服務有限公司(WCSL) 在2009年成立、在電腦零售、電腦維修、網路工程等不同範疇為香港市民提供服務。
行業: 資訊科技
公司人數: 13
ALL Market Consulting Limited
ALL Market Consulting Limited is a leading specialist professional recruitment consultancy, which focuses on placing high caliber professionals into permanent, contract and temporary positions at a...
行業: 其他公司類型
公司人數: 20
環島中港通, 為香港上市公司冠忠巴士旗下, 粵港澳地區最大的客運服務品牌。 於粵港澳三地擁有超過144個上落站點, 以誠信的服務、先進的技術、專業的工作管理隊伍, 經營三地的跨境巴士、跨境商務車、跨境校巴及旅遊產品,在客運服務行業擁有領導地位。 我們一直致力於提供多元化的客運服務,主要業務包括:「環島中港通」、「通寶巴士」- 往返香港及廣東省各大城市的直通巴士服務「港深飛 深港飛」 - 為深...
行業: 運輸業
公司人數: 300
廣告機銷售 經營高清商業用廣告液晶顯示產品、主要包括推廣用高清廣告機、網絡版廣告機、互動式廣告機、液晶拼接顯示屏,戶外高亮廣告機銷售服務。服務遍佈各行各業,廣范應用於媒體、餐廳、酒店、超市、醫院,教育,零售、娛樂、交通、消閒、展覽及公共戶外等。我們充分利用客戶的空間,為客戶創造低成本的強大宣傳力量。目標正發展不同行業的數碼廣告設備、產品遍布整個香港市場。 創意及售後服務 我們擁有專業創意團隊...
行業: 資訊科技
公司人數: 4
Novel Education
行業: 教育服務業
公司人數: 5
Victory Engineering Service Co. Ltd.
We provide diverse services from project management and resource management, to supply, design and installation of various air-conditioning systems and building automation systems. We are dedicate...
行業: 建造業
公司人數: 150