香港拯溺總會 - 文員
The Hong Kong Life Saving Society
總會簡介 成立於一九五六年的香港拯溺總會是一個非政府的 志 願組織,它不單為國際救生總會之全資格會員,更是其「創會會員」。五十年來,香港拯溺總會本著「天下有溺者,由己溺之也」的創會精神,致力推廣拯溺工作,發揚救己救人的互助精神,教育廣大香港市民認識水上安全的重要性。時至今日,本會會員合共曾救回超過三萬條寶貴性命,愛心遍及全港,吸引不少熱心人士加入,屬會會籍現已增長逾一百個,活躍會員更超過一萬...了解更多
Clerk (文員)
Counter service, clerical work and office administration
Assist in organization of the Society’s activities
~ Grade E / Level 2 or above in 5 subjects including English (Syllabus B), Chinese and Mathematics in Hong KongCertificate of Education Examination or equivalent; or Level 2 or equivalent orabove in 5 subjects including English, Chinese and Mathematics in the Hong KongDiploma of Secondary Education Examination or above;
~ Administrative working experience would be an advantage
~ Good PC Knowledge (e.g. Chinese Word Input, MS Excel and Word)
~ Knowledge in accounting, eventorganization would be an advantage
Interested parties please send resume with recent photo and the expected salary by 7 September 2019 to the Executive Officer at 21 Floor, Caltex House, 258 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
“All personal data collected will be used on recruitment purpose only.”