香港拯溺總會 - 文員
The Hong Kong Life Saving Society
Company User
總會簡介 成立於一九五六年的香港拯溺總會是一個非政府的 志 願組織,它不單為國際救生總會之全資格會員,更是其「創會會員」。五十年來,香港拯溺總會本著「天下有溺者,由己溺之也」的創會精神,致力推廣拯溺工作,發揚救己救人的互助精神,教育廣大香港市民認識水上安全的重要性。時至今日,本會會員合共曾救回超過三萬條寶貴性命,愛心遍及全港,吸引不少熱心人士加入,屬會會籍現已增長逾一百個,活躍會員更超過一萬...Know more
Clerk (文員)
Counter service, clerical work and office administration
Assist in organization of the Society’s activities
~ Grade E / Level 2 or above in 5 subjects including English (Syllabus B), Chinese and Mathematics in Hong KongCertificate of Education Examination or equivalent; or Level 2 or equivalent orabove in 5 subjects including English, Chinese and Mathematics in the Hong KongDiploma of Secondary Education Examination or above;
~ Administrative working experience would be an advantage
~ Good PC Knowledge (e.g. Chinese Word Input, MS Excel and Word)
~ Knowledge in accounting, eventorganization would be an advantage
Interested parties please send resume with recent photo and the expected salary by 7 September 2019 to the Executive Officer at 21 Floor, Caltex House, 258 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
“All personal data collected will be used on recruitment purpose only.”
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.