Illustrator 插畫師(1 year contract)
D & P Education Kingdom Limited
本公司為新世界(K11)旗下附屬公司與DR-Max合資成立一所全新獨立機構, 公司創辦人多年來一直熱衷於教育事業並致力於幼兒教育。為配合業務拓展, 本公司現誠邀有志投入幼兒教育的你加入本教育集團成為我們銷售經理, 並帶領團隊為香港幼兒教育作出貢獻及與公司攜手創出輝煌的業績。 了解更多
DR-Max Limited成立於2004年,憑藉對幼兒教育的熱忱,加上專業的出版團隊,製作多類型優質教材,更榮獲「香港卓越服務名牌」及多個獎項。除了自行研發、獲得名人推薦及家長推崇的Electronic English外,亦與迪士尼及華納兄弟等國際知名品牌合作出版,務求提升小朋友的學習興趣,增進親子互動,讓家長輕鬆見證孩子成長。
Your trustedpartner to walk further
Established in2004, DR-Max Limited specializes in producing quality children publications.With immense passion for education and a team of publishing professionals,DR-Max has captured the “Hong Kong Premier Service Brand” and many otherawards. In addition to the well-acclaimed Electronic English, DR-Max Limitedalso collaborates in publishing with internationally renowned brands, such asDisney and Warner Brothers. This hopes to enhance children’s motivation inlearning, and to facilitate parent-child interactions.
Position : Illustrator 插畫師(1 year contract)
- Responsible for illustration (in Japanese comic style) and publishing inthe assigned project
- All related design work for educational purposes, including layout design,digital content etc.
- Work with other teams to develop layout.
- High Diploma or above in Graphic/Multimedia design or related disciplines
- Minimum 2 years’ experience inGraphic/Multimedia is highly preferred
- Proficient in AdobeIllustrator, Photoshop, Corel painter, Freehand
- Self-motivated, detail-mindedand able to work independently.
- Good team player with goodinterpersonal and communication skills.
- Able to complete project undertight deadlines
- Immediately available.
We offer attractive remunerationpackage (including 5-day work, 7 days annual leave, bank holiday, birthday redpocket, staff purchase discount etc.) to the right candidate.
Interested parties can apply withyour full resume in MS Word/PDF format with CURRENT salary, EXPECTEDsalary and the date of availability (applications without such information willnot be considered). Please also quote the job title you are applying on yourapplication.
Information provided will betreated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purposes only.