工作特點: 證書/文憑或以上
售貨員 ( 長期 / 兼職 )
!!!!熱愛精品玩具請注意!!!! 誠邀各加入我哋 成為其中一份子
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $15000 - $16000
公司用戶 : Imaz Agency Limited
展覽助理/宣傳大使 (短期/兼職)
IMAZ Agency Limited is a group of creative and energetic experts well experienced in various kinds of events. Our worldwide production teams are experienced in booth building in Hong Kong, China and other parts of the world. Our dedication and commitment to the best in exhibition management ensures high quality planning and many other business services. To cope with our rapid expansion, we are now seeking for high caliber and dedicated candidate to join our team.
時薪(港幣 / HKD) : $65 - $70
公司用戶 : Imaz Agency Limited
Customer Service Executive
Serve the customer precisely from the file stage until the delivery is completed; Job control from File in, Ozalid approval and follow design process; Handle and manage client enquiries, outstanding orders and customer support
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $18000 - $20000
公司用戶 : 泰業印刷有限公司
Marketing Operator (五天工作)(休星期日)($16,000-$20,000)
為配合業務發展,現誠徵 Marketing Assistant
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $12000 - $20000
Senior Guest Services Officer
Responsible for various front office duties, including greeting guests and processing check-ins and check-outs in a courteous and efficient manner.
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $0
為客戶提供全面財務策劃服務, 包括投資儲蓄, 退休策劃, 人壽保險, 疾病意外, 醫療住院, 強積金等, 團體保障, 年金及退休方案予個人或公司客戶
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $15000 - $40000
公司用戶 : A Plus Wealth Management
Customer Officer (Full-time / Part-time)- Korean Speaking (客戶主任, 韓文)
Customer Officer (Full-time / Part-time)- Korean Speaking (客戶主任, 韓文)
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $15000 - $20000
公司用戶 : HKT Services LTD
Customer Officer (Full-time / Part-time) - Japanese Speaking (客戶主任, 日文)
Customer Officer (Full-time / Part-time) - Japanese Speaking (客戶主任, 日文)
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $15000 - $20000
公司用戶 : HKT Services LTD
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $24000 - $28000
公司用戶 : Macfield Limited
MPF, Insurance & Retirement Planning Consultant
月薪(港幣 / HKD) : $15000 - $35000
公司用戶 : A Plus Wealth Management
AXA安盛理財策劃顧問(歡迎fresh grad/Intern申請)
按項目計酬(港幣 / HKD) : $17500 - $35000
公司用戶 : 安盛金融有限公司