Senior Editor / Publishing Manager
D & P Education Kingdom Limited
本公司為新世界(K11)旗下附屬公司與DR-Max合資成立一所全新獨立機構, 公司創辦人多年來一直熱衷於教育事業並致力於幼兒教育。為配合業務拓展, 本公司現誠邀有志投入幼兒教育的你加入本教育集團成為我們銷售經理, 並帶領團隊為香港幼兒教育作出貢獻及與公司攜手創出輝煌的業績。 了解更多
Dr-Max Limited
DR-Max Limited成立於2004年,憑藉對幼兒教育的熱忱,加上專業的出版團隊,製作多類型優質教材,更榮獲「香港卓越服務名牌」及多個獎項。除了自行研發、獲得名人推薦及家長推崇的Electronic English外,亦與迪士尼及華納兄弟等國際知名品牌合作出版,務求提升小朋友的學習興趣,增進親子互動,讓家長輕鬆見證孩子成長。
Your trusted partner to walk further
Established in 2004, DR-Max Limited specializes inproducing quality children publications. With immense passion for education anda team of publishing professionals, DR-Max has captured the “Hong Kong PremierService Brand” and many other awards. In addition to the well-acclaimedElectronic English, DR-Max Limited also collaborates in publishing withinternationally renowned brands, such as Disney and Warner Brothers. This hopesto enhance children’s motivation in learning, and to facilitate parent-childinteractions.
Position : Senior Editor / Publishing Manager
Job duties:
Formulatingpublishing plans with financials for children educational materials aged 3-12according to business needs.
Developthe parenting social media platform.
Overseeinga team of editors and graphic designers to execute the publishing plans.
Liaisingwith both internal and external stakeholders regarding the publications,including authors, consultants, editors, designers, illustrators, sales andmarketing counterparts, etc.
Performingwriting, editorial and other ad hoc duties required
Possess a recognizeduniversity degree in Languages, Literature, Journalism, or other relevantdisciplines.
6+ yearseditorial experience in educational publishing, preferably in childrenmaterials with knowledge in local kindergarten and primary curricular (Having working experience in social media is an advantage).
Well versed informulating and executing publishing plans with thorough knowledge of theentire publishing cycle.
Track record insupervising a team to roll out the publications in a timely and professionalmanner.
Bachelor degreeor above in English, Translation, Linguistics, Humanities, Languages withexcellent competency in both Chinese and English.
Meticulous withkeen eyes for details.
Responsible,independent, self-motivated, creative and people-oriented.
Passionate atwork, willing to take challenge and break through
Able to workunder pressure and commit to deadline and quality
Excellent commandof written and spoken English & Chinese
The candidatewith more working experience will be considered as Publishing Manager
We offer attractive remuneration package(including 5-day work, 12-20 days annual leave, bank holiday, marriage leave,birthday red packet, attendance award, health award, staff purchase discountetc.) to the right candidate.
Interested parties can apply with your fullresume in MS Word/PDF format with CURRENT salary, EXPECTED salary andthe date of availability (applications without such information will not beconsidered). Please also quote the job title you are applying on yourapplication.
Informationprovided will be treated in strict confidence and used for recruitment purposesonly.