JAVA前端開發工程師 | JAVA front-end development engineer


Universe Action


全通有限公司,簡稱UNAL,服務營辦商牌照號1860,總部位於中國香港,是成立於2019年的專業國際電訊服務供應商。UNAL服務遍及全球200多個國家地區,包括中國、日本、印尼及其他歐美等地,專門為各大小企業、公益組織和個人提供電訊服務。全通的商務方案包括短訊服務(AboSEND)、語音線路服務、Voicebot智慧語音機器人系統(AboTALK)、國際資料卡服務 (AboSIM)及專業雲基...了解更多




1. 協助負責web3.0平臺搭建工作,負責手機APP開發工作;

2. 負責內部管理系統二次開發;

3. 根據產品/技術需求,提供高質量可落地的解決方案並持續推進

4. 能夠從業務視角切入,從邏輯、業務流程、性能等方面持續優化

5. 負責日常運維過程中故障處理、優化,保障服務品質;

6. 通過工具與平臺的建設、提升服務運營效率;


1. 本科學歷,電腦科學與技術、軟體工程等相關專業;

2. 熟悉HTML/CSS/JavaScript(Es5、Es6)/JQuery/VueJs(element-UI和iView)等web開發技術;

3. 熟練使用Vue-cli腳手架搭建和開發專案;

4. 熟練使用Node.JS,對Electron開發跨平臺軟體有一定基礎優先;

5. 對SpringBoot+vue前後端分離技術開發有一定的基礎優先;

6. 掌握關係型資料庫(MySQL或Oracle)和非關係型資料庫(Redis)的開發和使用,能熟練運用SQL語言,SQL優化等;

7. 具有良好的編程習慣、文檔寫作能力、需求分析能力、程式設計能力。



10. 地點:九龍灣甲級寫字樓 

11. 聯繫方式:+852 57104052(WhatsApp)/



1. Assist in the construction of the web3.0 platform and the development of the mobile APP;

2. Responsible for the secondary development of the internal management system;

3. According to product/technical requirements, provide high-quality and practical solutions and continue to promote

4. Be able to cut in from a business perspective and continue to optimize from logic, business process, performance, etc.

5. Responsible for troubleshooting and optimization in the daily operation and maintenance process to ensure service quality;

6. Through the construction of tools and platforms, improve service operation efficiency;


1. Bachelor's degree, major in computer science and technology, software engineering, etc.;

2. Familiar with web development technologies such as HTML/CSS/JavaScript (Es5, Es6)/JQuery/VueJs (element-UI and iView);

3. Skilled in using Vue-cli scaffolding to build and develop projects;

4. Proficiency in using Node.JS, a certain foundation for developing cross-platform software with Electron is preferred;

5. A certain foundation for the development of SpringBoot+vue front-end and back-end separation technology is preferred;

6. Master the development and use of a relational database (MySQL or Oracle) and non-relational database (Redis), be proficient in using SQL language, SQL optimization, etc.;

7. Have good programming habits, document writing skills, demand analysis skills, and program design skills.

8. Holders of Hong Kong identity cards/new arrivals are preferred;

9. English requires a certain ability to read documents.

10. Location: Grade A office building in Kowloon Bay

11. Contact information: +852 57104052 (WhatsApp) / (Email)




