Wealth Management Trainee(歡迎內地高才申請)


主要職責 Key Responsibilities

1. 提供基本保險產品服務,全面財富及理財分析 Provide basic insurance services, comprehensive wealth and financial management analysis

2. 了解客戶的需要,安排合適的投資方案,包括財富管理,資產管理,退休計劃及儲蓄計劃等 Provide clients with suitable investment plan, including wealth management, retirement and savings planning

3. 為客戶提供一站式理財服務,包括一般諮詢,售後服務及保單跟進 Provide clients with one-stop financial services, including general consultation, after-sales services and policy follow-up 

4. 與客戶建立良好且緊密的夥伴合作關係 Maintain close relationship with clients

5. 時刻緊隨市場流向,學習及提升業務知識 Stay up-to-date with latest market trend, learn and enhance related business knowledge

6. 發展香港及內地金融及保險業務,了解其需求並協助團隊開拓人才,拓展客戶資源 Develop financial and insurance business in Hong Kong and Mainland China, assist the team to develop talents and expand client resources


入職要求 Requirement

1. 持有大學學位或以上學歷 Bachelor Degree or above in all disciplines

2. 良好溝通技巧 Good communication skills and interpersonal skills

3. 良好粵語,基本英語及國語能力,懂讀寫中英文 Proficient in spoken and written Cantonese, English and Mandarin

4. 經驗不拘,具保險行業相關經驗人士優先 No experience required, experience in insurance industry is preferred


待遇及福利 Benefit

1. 五天工作,彈性工作時間 5 Days Work, Flexible Working Hours

2. 提供行業優質培訓課程 Provide On-going Training Programme

3. 銀行假期 Bank Holiday

4. 佣金及表現獎金 Commission & Performance Bonus

5. 強積金 Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme

6. 晉升機會 Promotion Opportunity

7. 醫療福利 Medical Benefits


****歡迎應屆畢業生/IANG/專才/高才/優才 及 投資移民人士 申請職位!****

****Fresh Graduate and IANG Applicants are welcomed****




