公司目錄 - 第 3 頁
Working with customers day by day, side by side, we understand every aspect of the user experience. Every ISS person in every customer facility is one of us – trained, equipped, motivated and empow...
行業: 住戶服務業
公司人數: 40
Red Sound Recording Studio
Red Sound 的電結他課程由結他手 Kit Tang 創辦。Kit Tang 是英國 JTC Guitar (Jam Track Central) 的旗下結他手,同時也是 Ibanez Guitars 官方代言人。 本課程涵蓋從基本到進階的電結他演奏技巧,包括搖滾、爵士、藍調等多種音樂風格,並結合實際演奏技巧和音樂理論,由 擁有豐富教學經驗的專業導師帶領,無論你是初學者還是進階學員,我...
行業: 教育服務業
公司人數: 5
East Joint Designs Limited
East Joint Designs Limitedis a Hong Kong based Interior Design and Contracting company working predominately with high end luxury fashion retail brands across Asia. We are seeking an enthusiastic,...
行業: 建造業
公司人數: 25