How To Introduce Yourself At A Job Interview

In life and business, you are never going to get a second chance to make an excellent first impression. To increase the odds of you getting your dream job, you have to learn to introduce and present yourself like the professional you are. Many job seekers have the notion that all that matters when applying for a job is a solid resume and years of experience. While these are important, they may not give you the edge you need to come out on top and get the job. To set yourself apart and come across as a confident person with strong social skills, you should focus on the little things- like the way you introduce yourself.

Before you add this to the list of things you are going to worry about on your big day, you need to keep in mind that introducing yourself in an interview to your soon-to-be boss isn’t rocket science. In fact, it is easy, if you know how to do it.

In this article, we are going to be looking at the best way to introduce yourself during a job interview.


When you arrive

Regardless of the type of job you are applying for, you need to be prepared to make a brief introduction to the receptionist as well as the person in charge of the interview. To increase the odds of your getting the job, you have to introduce yourself to the receptionist well. The reason for this is that most hiring managers ask their receptionist for his or her impression on a job seeker. If you act dismissively and rudely, chances are you have ruined your opportunity of getting the job even before meeting the hiring manager in person.

Try to be calm, collected, professional, and polite when talking to the receptionist. You can say something like;

Hi, my name is Peter Jones, and I have an interview scheduled with Agnes Walker at 1 pm, or I am Jenifer Bellows, and I have an appointment with Taylor Clark at 2 pm.


When you meet the hiring manager

After introducing yourself to the receptionist, you are likely going to wait for a few minutes before the hiring manager comes to meet you in the reception area, or you will be escorted by the receptionist to the interview room. Even though you have an appointment, it is wise that you still introduce yourself so that the interviewer knows who you are and your purpose of coming.

If you were seated when the hiring manager walked into the room you are in, stand up and offer to shake hands. With a smile on your face, boldly tell the interviewer or hiring manager that it is a pleasure to meet him or her. Be sure to make eye contact and project confidence with your body language.
Keep in mind that the way you dress to an interview can determine to a large extent if you are going to get the job or not. Of course, you have the freedom to wear whatever you like, but if you are really serious about getting the job, then you should wear something professional.

Do the following to calm your nerves if you are prone to interview stress;

  • Thoroughly prepare for the interview
  • Learn a lot about the company
  • Practice positive thinking


Pro tip

You are going to come off as unprepared, nervous, and unprofessional if the hiring manager notices that your hands are super sweaty. To avoid sweaty palms, make a quick stop at the restroom before the interview to wash and dry your hands. If for some reasons you can’t do that, then you should use a tissue to wipe your hands.


During the interview

We get it; you got a lot to say about your expertise and the reason why you are the right person for the job. But if you go on blabbing endlessly about yourself, you may indirectly hurt your chances of getting the job.

If you have an opportunity to introduce yourself, do it shortly and concisely. Many hiring managers start their interview with questions like-Tell me about yourself or why do you think you are a good candidate for the job. Instead of saying the first thing that comes to your head, your response should be tailored to the elements in your background which will help you excel in the job or position for which you are interviewing. Create an elevator pitch way in advance and practice it until you are comfortable describing yourself.

Be sure to carefully analyze the job before the day of your interview so you can point experiences, interest, personal qualities, and skills that will enable you to meet the requirements.


Pro tip

Practice talking about your experience, skill, and personality without taking too much time or sharing too much information.


Dwell on your qualifications

Your introduction should be brief and concise enough to hold the attention and interests of the interviewer. Generally, a quick mention of your most compelling or outstanding qualifications will do the trick. You could also mention a couple of things about yourself that have no correlation to the job but reflect your personality. For example, you can say you are into arts or have performed at comedy clubs.

As a job seeker, your goal shouldn’t only be to showcase your expertise, qualifications, and experience. It should also be about connecting at a personal level with the interviewer. Remember that an interview is an opportunity to sell yourself to the interviewer or hiring manager, so make the most of it.

Your initial comments should showcase your enthusiasm for the company or job. But try not to overdo it or talk endlessly about yourself. As you probably know, your interviewer has an agenda, so keep your introduction short, so you can move to the next phase of your interview.


Final note

Applying the tips discussed in this article will give you the edge you need to come out on top and get the job of your dreams.

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