PlusD technology Limited

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Industry : Others

Company Info

 公司核心产品是一款高精度、高帧率、高动态范围的 3D 智能(3D+AI)传感器。 

 该产品基于自有自研的自动视差三维测量理论,凭借超精密的光学元件,能够在单透镜的情况下高速获取 3D数字信息,适应高速运动目标,并且拥有超精密精度。可以实现对所拍摄空间对象的三维几何信息进行快速精准的记录,实现被测表面形貌和被探测空间的数字化三维测量,达到微秒级检测速度(帧率)和微米级检测精度。同时配合团队深耕多年的深度学习技术,实现对目标和特征的学习、识别、判定和分类等操作。结合 3D+AI 的先进技术框架,本产品可以实现对于三维自由空间内感兴趣目标的3D 尺寸、空间位置进行超精密测量, 对目标进行特征识别和精密定位。 

The company's core product is a 3D intelligent sensor with high precision, high frame rate and high dynamic range. Intelligent camera is not a simple industrial camera, but a highly integrated micro-machine vision system. It integrates the functions of image acquisition, processing and communication into a single camera, thus providing a multi-functional, integrated, modular, highly reliable and easy to implement machine vision solution. At the same time, due to the application of new artificial intelligence, edge computing technology, its intelligence has been continuously improved, can meet a variety of machine vision application needs.

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