Sino Security Services Limited

Company User

Industry : Real estate

Company Info

Established in 1988, Sino Security Services Limited (Security Company Licence: 0070) provides a full range of security services to over 190 properties in Hong Kong. The management team includes a number of former senior officers who have served with distinction in the Hong Kong Police Force. They are capably supported by a well-trained security force, including a contingent of ex-Gurkha soldiers.  

信和護衞有限公司(保安公司牌照號碼:0070)成立於 1988 年,為全港超過 190 項物業提供全面的保安服務,包括物業保安、保鑣及大型節目人流管理等。公司管理層主要為前任高級警務人員,團隊則由退役英國啹喀兵及本地警隊精英組成,專業可靠,是保安服務的首選。 

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