Company Info

Social Face is an artificial intelligence science innovation enterprise in the Greater Bay Area of China. It utilizes multiple artificial intelligence algorithms such as face recognition big data analysis, scene learning and character recognition to provide event organizers, companies and community attendees unprecedented intelligent data experience. It can improve social networking efficiency. The company has completed two rounds of Pre-A financing with a financing scale of HK$10 million. Investors include Hong Kong X Foundation, Foundation of The Hong Kong AI & Data Laboratory Limited (HKAI Lab) co-founded by SenseTime and Alibaba Group, as well as Australian Family Office and many other investors.

 Social Face是一家⼤灣區的人⼯智慧科創企業,利⽤人臉識別⼤資料分析、場景學習、⼈物識別等多元人⼯智慧算灋;為活動主辦⽅、企業、社團參會嘉賓提供前所未有的智慧數據體驗,有效提升社交效率。公司已經完成兩輪Pre-A輪融資,融資規模達千萬港幣。投資機構包括HKX、商湯科技與阿里巴巴共同創辦的香港⼈工智慧數據實驗室的基⾦、還有澳大利亞家族辦公室等多名投資人的投資。 

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