Zen Foods Co., Ltd
Company User
Industry : Wholesale
Company Info
本公司於2003年10月創立, 主要業務是一間入口批發呑拿魚、鮮魚、活貝、新鮮蔬菜、和牛、冷藏豬肉、冷藏雞肉等日本高級食材公司,將高級食材供應予各酒店及日本餐廳及大型超級市場使用。
Our “seica” brand is operated under Zen Foods Co., Ltd., a leading wholesale supplier of Japanese fresh food products imported by air and sea, and serving to around 700 restaurants in Hong Kong daily.
At “seica”, we utilize this logistics network to directly import Japanese flowers once to three times a month to provide you with the freshest, high quality products. Flowers are carefully and professionally handled in the coolers at our warehouse.