Leona Chan‘s Financial Consulting Company

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Industry : Insurance

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Challenge DistrictThe Champion District of Highest Numbers of MDRT and Highest % of MDRT over the past consecutive 13 years, the Top No.1 Team out of 230+ Districts. We are now looking for high caliber degree holders (Fresh Graduate/ IANG) to join our team.

香港友邦挑戰家族在過去連續13年中,MDRT人數最多和MDRT百分比最高的冠軍區,在230多個地區中排名第一。我們現在正在尋找高素質的學位持有者(應屆畢業生/ IANG)加入我們的團隊。

Hong Kong AIA Challenge FamilyTerence, Executive Director of AIA Hong Kong, founded the Challenge Family. Starting from one person til the regional team was developed, then expanded into a challenge family with 13 regional directors. With 35 years, it has achieved a top position in the market. Sustained success, the long-victorious "army", has brought together members of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), recognized as the most lofty international honor in the industry, and created unprecedented success. "Challenge Family" elites the members have high education, cooperate with the most professional service, continue to inherit the family's fine traditions, and continue to create higher glory, so that every family member will be proud of being a part of the challenging family.

香港友邦挑戰家庭友邦保險香港執行董事Terence創立了挑戰家庭。 從一個人開始直到區域團隊發展,然後擴展為擁有13位區域總監的挑戰大家庭。 經過35年的發展,它已在市場上佔據領先地位。 長期勝利的長期成功“軍備”使百萬美元圓桌會議(MDRT)的成員聚集在一起,被公認為業內最崇高的國際榮譽,並創造了空前的成功。 “挑戰家庭”的精英成員受過高等教育,並以最專業的服務進行合作,繼續繼承家庭的優良傳統,並繼續創造更高的榮耀,使每個家庭成員都為成為充滿挑戰的家庭的一部分而感到自豪。

What is MDRT Million Dollar Round Table? 

Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), The Premier Association of Financial Professionals®, is a global, independent association of more than 72,000 of the world's leading life insurance and financial services professionals from more than 500 companies in 70 nations and territories. MDRT members demonstrate exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard of excellence in the life insurance and financial services business. 


百萬美元圓桌會議(MDRT)是Premier of Financial Professionals®,是一個全球性的獨立協會,由來自70個國家和地區的500多家公司的72,000多名世界領先的人壽保險和金融服務專業人士組成。 MDRT成員展現出非凡的專業知識,嚴格的道德操守以及出色的客戶服務。 MDRT會員資格是國際公認的人壽保險和金融服務業務的卓越標準。

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