Company User

Industry : Hotels and boarding houses

Company Info

Emperor Hotels Group, a diversified hotel chain with a wide range of hospitality options under the management of Emperor Group. It is a brand of superb flexibility and sky-high ideals. Staying in Emperor hotels, you will be offered amazing services, fabulous food and unrivalled experience that you will never forget. The Group, including hotels in Hong Kong and Macau respectively and serviced apartments as well as a few others on the way as we expand into the Asia-Pacific region, is simply the gold standard when it comes to Asian luxury hospitality. Each of our hotels has an amiable ambience and world-class amenities, displaying the Group’s unwavering commitments to hospitality excellence. For more information, please visit our website at .www.emperorhotelsgroup.com

英皇集團旗下英皇酒店集團 —— 業務遍及香港、澳門的酒店集團。英皇酒店集團追求極高的品質,致力提供靈活多變和別出心裁的服務。選擇集團旗下酒店的貴賓將會享受到尊尚的服務和珍饈佳餚,並擁有永誌難忘的住宿體驗。作為亞洲酒店的翹楚,集團在香港及澳門各設有提供非凡住宿服務的酒店以及服務式公寓;隨著業務發展,集團亦計劃在亞太區開設多間新酒店。每一間都為住客提供別具情調的環境及世界級的設施,體現集團精益求精的服務承諾。 如欲瞭解更多本集團資訊,歡迎前往公司專頁。www.emperorhotelsgroup.com


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