Company Info

 PETA亞洲善待動物組織是於香港成立和註冊的慈善組織,致力於建立和保護所有動物的權利。PETA奉行簡單的原則:動物不是供我們實驗、食用、穿戴、娛樂或以其他任何方式虐待的;並反對物種歧視——一種以人類為中心超然於所有其他物種的世界觀。我們專注於最多動物受虐的四大領域:實驗室、工廠化養殖場、服裝業及娛樂業,透過調查揭露產業裡大規模的虐待動物行為,呼籲消費者抵制和企業作出改變:例如最近揭發秘魯羊駝毛產業殘酷虐待羊駝,成功爭取Uniqlo及Columbia等品牌禁用羊駝毛、Canada Goose禁用皮草;及揭發泰國椰子農場虐待及利用猴子作採摘椰子工具等等。 

PETA Asia is a charitable organisation established and registered in Hong Kong. It is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA Asia operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment and opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. It focuses on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: in factory farms, laboratories, the clothing trade, and the entertainment industry and works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns.  

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