Company Info

VisionMall HK- Concord Optical Co. Founded by our father for more than 24 years, we have always been committed to providing the highest quality products and services at an affordable price. We aim to provide client-oriented approach and service to ensure customers satisfy their needs. We represent a number of international brands, with a wide range of styles and styles, and are innovative, stylish, and reliable. Provide guests with a wide range of choices and fast and convenient delivery service. By 2018, we will start the online store Vision Mall HK at the customer's request, so that customers can buy and replenish contact lenses 24/7 conveniently, which can ingratiate City with fast pace of life such as Hong Kong.


Vision Mall Hong Kong - 實惠眼鏡公司 由家父創立已經超過 二十四年,我們一直以來的服務宗旨係以最實惠的價格為客人提供最優質的產品和服務。以客為先的優質服務不但獲得顧客的一致讚賞和擁戴。我們代理多個國際品牌,款式及種類極多元化,且設計新穎時尚、品質優良可靠,深受顧客歡迎。為客人提供多元化的選擇,並提供快速便利的送貨服務。 到2018 應客戶的需求開始網上商店 Vision Mall HK,令到客人可以在24小時購買及補充隱形眼鏡,無需特地到門市購買,為忙碌的香港人帶上方便。

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