EC Creation


Female - 10 year(s) experience


曾於4As 及不同廣告,媒體公司擔任藝術總監, 設計師和攝影師
Detail of profession


曾於4As 及不同廣告,媒體公司擔任藝術總監,設計師和攝影師。對不同範疇的創作都料如指掌,扎實根基,眼光獨到,執行力高,有效率。


I am an art director specialized in design, photography, retouching, branding and comprehensive campaign design. I am ambitious about everything creative and am a firm believer in the power of a strong concept with an unexpectedI execution and with these beliefs in mind, I challenge myself to explore with every project. so I am well versed in taking not much more than a good idea, from creative concept through to execution. 

Being a photographer. I wander & observe a lot. I believe observation is more important than software. Photography for me is an art of observation and it's about feeling, not looking. As a photo retoucher, I do high-end creative retouching, due to my passion for photography,

I have developed a keen eye for detail and subtle colour corrections. I love design and making photographs, not just for its own sake but for what it can do to people.

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