Butterfly Hospitality (HK) Limited

Company User

Industry : Hotels and boarding houses

Company Info

At Butterfly Hospitality Group (BHG), our mission is to always improve and create hospitality products that are at the forefront of innovation and creativity. More importantly, we create brands that will sustain long-term growth and longevity. We at BHG focus on what truly matters, providing spaces that foster genuine experiences for our guests that connect them to the heart of the city. Across our brand portfolio, we hold three primary beliefs:

We provide a world of possibilities and freedom of choice for our guests and employees. With numerous hotels across Hong Kong and London combined, we offer a variety of unique experiences and work opportunities that allow our people thrive.

Our group is made up of many talents that believe in the power of innovation and creativity. BHG’s ever-evolving mentality allows itself to stay relevant. As a testament to this, in 2008, BHG launched Butterfly Hotels, one of the very first boutique hotels in Hong Kong. Between 2008 to 2019, we had a strong pipeline of expansion and opened a new hotel nearly every year. In 2019, BHG has done it yet again by creating Page Hotels, one of the very first boutique hotel concepts that have merged the hotel lobby check-in with a chic coffee house for guests and locals alike to enjoy. This unique offering is one that speaks to the millennials and modern travelers of today.

BHG manages each and every one of its brands with the utmost care, safeguarding its longevity so that its stories can be passed down from one generation to the next. From a business perspective, the group’s strong understanding of its consumer behaviours and yield management allows for the maximization of revenues that can then be re-invested back into the brand for further expansion and growth. In turn, our staff have ever-growing opportunities to excel with us.

We hope to continue inspiring our people to explore new ways of doing things and provide them with a platform to connect with guests from all over the world. We value our people. We grow with our people. Together, we grow our business.

Should you want to explore any work opportunity with our Group, talk to us via recruit@butterflyhk.com  or recruit.page148@pagehotels.com . We offer attractive remuneration packages and excellent prospects to people who are passionate about their work and life.

Visit www.butterflyhospitalitygroup.com  for more information. 

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