Technician 技術員

Employer Info

Butterfly Hospitality (HK) Limited

Company User

At Butterfly Hospitality Group (BHG), our mission is to always improve and create hospitality products that are at the forefront of innovation and creativity. More importantly, we create brands tha...Know more

Job Info


  • Responsible for the maintenance and the repairing of various hotel fixture and equipment to ensure the safety and smooth operation of the hotel;
  • Perform work orders properly;
  • Co-ordinate with other departments to achieve operational effectiveness.
  • 負責酒店維修及保養事項的工作,以確保酒店運作安全及暢順;
  • 妥善地完成工作指令;
  • 與不同部門團隊緊密合作,以達致高效率營運。


  • Preferably with relevant experience in hotel industry / property management services;
  • Possess the certificate of Registration of Electrical Worker (Grade A) is an advantage;
  • Self-motivated, efficient, independent and well-organized.
  • 具有酒店業 / 物業管理相關工作經驗者會優先考慮;
  • 持有註冊電業工程人員A級牌照者會優先考慮;
  • 主動、高效率、獨立及具組織能力。

We offer a 5-day work week and attractive remuneration package to the successful candidate. Please send your detailed resume with current and expected salary via email or WhatsApp to 67936672.
本集團提供五天工作周以及良好的薪酬待遇予合資格的申請人。請於履歷表上訂明現時及期望的薪酬。可發送履歷表至電郵 或 WhatsApp至67936672。 

(Data collected will be used for our recruitment purpose only. 所收集的個人資料只作招聘用途。) 

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