Companies - Page 173

  • AXA Hong Kong

    Throughout the years, AXA Hong Kong and Macau has been offering a wide range of life, health, property and casualty protection, as well as wealth management and retirement solutions to help custome...

    Industry: Insurance

    Number of employee: 10000

  • Zeppelin Hot Dog - WP

     Zeppelin Hot Dog

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 10

  • Pony International Limited


    Industry: Manufacture of wearing apparel except footwear

    Number of employee: 6

  • 啟勝管理服務有限公司

    Industry: Domestic services

    Number of employee: 24

  • Mence Beauty

    在過去近40年間,憑著高質素服務,MENCE在美容界早已奠定領導地位,傲視同群,傳媒爭相訪問,獲獎無數,屢獲國際機構認證嘉許。秉承「精益求精,止於至善」的信念,除了提供女士服務外,我們勇於開拓男士美容市場,更獲《時代雜誌》(TIME)譽為「全亞洲最具領導地位的男士美容中心」。MENCE獲廣泛客戶群—— 包括社會不同年齡、國籍、性別、階層及醫生、教授等專業人士的肯定及愛戴,多年來幫助超過100...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 8

  • 一鍋堂


    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 50

  • 超卓管理服務有限公司

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 16

  • Aussie Yes (HK) Ltd

    我們是一間專賣外國進口高級海膽刺身的網上商店,商品種類包括澳洲海膽、日本海膽(富美丸海膽、浜中小川海膽、鷗洋赤上海膽及 北海道根室海膽等等)、原隻澳洲青邊鮑、澳洲即食黑邊鮑魚、紐西蘭小龍蝦Scampi等高級刺身。我們希望能把世界各地的高級刺身食材帶到香港,亦歡迎熱愛刺身的你加入Aussie Yes團隊。

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 5

  • 宜居顧問服務有限公司

    「宜居顧問服務有限公司」為「九龍建業有限公司」的附屬公司,於2000年成立。 「宜居」現時為客户提供產業及建築測量、屋宇裝備、建築顧問、地產代理、物業租賃、設施管理及建築工程服務,主要客户包括香港房屋委員會、建築署、屋宇署、港鐵、市區重建局、大學、業主立案法團、非政府機構及集團等,是房地產發展及綜合服務的提供者。

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 3000

  • DicksonYoga


    Industry: Other personal services

    Number of employee: 20


    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 10

  • 異度空間工作室有限公司

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 25

  • Cheers Real Estate Ltd.

    Long time Real Estate Broker based in Stanley Hong Kong. "Together we make this world a better home. Cheers." Perfect opportunity for the ones who wants to experience and serve in an international...

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 5

  • 明興凍肉食品有限公司

    Industry: Storage

    Number of employee: 40


    Oneday Asset Management Limited is an independent asset management firm providing dynamic and alternative investment solutions to high net worth clients. We are licensed and authorized by the Secur...

    Industry: Finance

    Number of employee: 5

  • Skincare Craftsman

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 1

  • Ching Burger 師兄漢堡

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 6

  • 鬥牛家具(香港)有限公司

      公司主營環保全屋定制傢俱銷售,集現代新型傢俱設計、製造、銷售、安裝、售後服務為一體的企業,旗下工廠和展廳為客戶提供良好的體驗。有良好的管理層和優良的團隊和獨特的行銷模式,公司為員工提供舒適的辦公環境及公平優質的發展空間。      鬥牛傢俱,一直專注於健康環保及科學人性化設計理念,環保智能儲物傢俱品牌。我們保持大師級的設計水準,堅持原創,讓每一件出品都獨具匠心,更貼合人性。將時尚與...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 14

  • Bonsai Planet Hong Kong Limited

    Bonsai Planet Hong Kong Limited is found in 2019. We are the most popular online bonsai & plant retail platform in Hong Kong. To keep up our expansion plan and growth, we are looking for outsta...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 6

  • Genius Design Pro

    Design work studio,included graphic design,brand promotion,video editing. Looking someone who is flexible,positive,active,responsibility.

    Industry: Other personal services

    Number of employee: 5