Companies - Page 332

  • Onyx Children’s Surgery Centre


    Industry: Hospital

    Number of employee: 10

  • 龍瀛國際控股有限公司 New Winner International Holding Limited

    龍瀛國際控股有限公司旗下擁有多個香港保健品零售品牌,包括Yamatoo、日本阪聖、WinWin、荷爾氏、中南海一號、奇路氏等本地最高銷量品牌。 New Winner International Holding Limited is a global and local renowned retail leader in the health product sector. We have s...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 300

  • Hafina International (Hong Kong) Limited

     Hafina成立至今四年,主打為台灣生產之日系設計女性功能內衣,為網上人氣急升既功能內衣品牌,香港共有9間分店及1間美容中心。     201-2019年Hafina獲選「香港最受歡迎品牌」、「開心工作間」、「友商有良」嘉許企業以及「香港中小企創新大獎」等多個獎項,成績卓越。  

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 28

  • SecretGaredn

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 1

  • The Equilibrium Fundamental Education

    Industry: Education services

    Number of employee: 13

  • Pretty Manufacturing Company Limited

    Pretty Manufacturing Company Limited is a printing company based in Hong Kong. We specializes in mass producing packaging boxes and print materials and accessories. ​We have been in the industry fo...

    Industry: Other manufacturing industries

    Number of employee: 3

  • Let's Go Fix - iPhone Repair Service in Hong

    Industry: Information technology

    Number of employee: 4

  • Tradeego Limited


    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 10

  • Koyo Retailing Limited

    Koyo Retailing Ltd,.is a fashion distributor and wholesaler carrying multiple apparel brands, including Avenue 1218and Market Libertyand Koyo 我們店鋪有世界各地引進的服裝品牌,服裝類型多樣化,是現在年輕人最佳選擇,現邀請熱誠的你加入我們的工作團隊。 

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 40

  • 數研歷恩教育中心(栢麗)

    Industry: Education services

    Number of employee: 11

  • Northstar Ship Management Ltd

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 28

  • La Vigne Bistro Limited

    La Vigne 是位於大角咀的西式餐廳,提供美味及新鮮優質的歐陸美食。

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 10


    CO-RAY Technology & Construction (ASIA) Ltd established since 1980. CORAY (ASIA) is a company focus on outdoor festival and event decoration design and production. We are now developing the com...

    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 7

  • 百好食品有限公司

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 200

  • Marisa Cheung & Co.

     友邦保險集團是亞太地區最大的人壽保險機構,成立自1919年。它提供的產品和服務在投資管理,退休管理,節約管理和風險管理的個人和企業。通過廣泛的32萬多個代理商和橫跨15個地區市場約23500名員工的網路,友邦保險集團供應該地區的超過2300萬份有效保單的持有人。  友邦保險集團的分公司,附屬公司及聯營公司管轄區,包括澳大利亞,汶萊,中國內地,香港,澳門,印度,印度尼西亞,馬來西亞,新西蘭,...

    Industry: Insurance

    Number of employee: 1000

  • 中原地產

    元朗市中心中原地產(元朗分行) 招聘職位:1)持牌營業員2)客戶經理3)高級客戶經理4)資深客戶經理 5)業務拓展員‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ 工作:一二手買賣租賃銷售 ‧ 專業培訓課程及專人指導 ‧ 要求:勤奮好學 專注努力 有衝勁 想搵錢‧ 年滿 18 歲,中五學歷/國...

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 5

  • Ellon Gift Product Ltd.

    Company Background   We are leading company specializing in gifts, bags, stationery and lifestyle products of the worldwide licensed brands. To cope with our company principle of constantly bring...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 25

  • 美聯工商舖

    We are the only listed company in HK specializing in industrial and commercial property agency, is now sincerely inviting high caliber professional to join us.

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 3000

  • 美聯物業

    Established more than 45 years ago, Midland Realty is one of the leading property agency groups in Hong Kong. Midland Realty is a fully owned subsidiary of Midland Holdings, listed on Hong Kong sto...

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 6000

  • 數研荃頌教育中心

    辦學背景數研教育(SO-IN EDU.)創辦於1999年,向本地K1至S6的學生提供數學專科補習服務。除致力提高同學們的數學能力、指導他們考取佳績之外,又開辦中文、英文、普通話、暑期興趣班等課程,照顧同學們的全人發展。多年以來,數研教育相繼開辦了多所中、小學校社,透過健全的營運制度、定期而嚴格的師資培訓、精闢簡要的自編教材,以系統化的「集團式經營」模式,與家長和老師們一起,為本港的教育事業共...

    Industry: Education services

    Number of employee: 9
