Companies - Page 8
iBorn Media Limited
iBorn Media is a full-service advertising agency consisting of a young and enthusiastic team of marketing professionals. We aim to harness the influence of media to bridge the divide between what p...
Industry: Advertisement
Number of employee: 10
You Find Limited
Company Overview YouFind, established since 2005, is an interactive digital marketing consultancy in digital transformation. With the use of AI and big data analytics, YouFind has developed the fi...
Industry: Advertisement
Number of employee: 50
雷恒鋁業有限公司成立於二零一九年,主要業務為零售及批發鋁材、隔熱板、鉛水鐵、玻璃膠、鏍絲、多款鋁門窗及豪華摺叠門等建材。 我們在佛山自設廠房,香港公司及貨倉位於元朗廈村,有穩定的供貨量,而且我們對貨品及市場非常了解和熟悉,能夠為客戶提供專業意見及優質服務。
Industry: Wholesale
Number of employee: 13
Able Fame Engineering Limited
Able Fame Engineering Limited(向榮工程有限公司) 旨在為各企業和機構提供廣泛及優質的職安健、質量認證顧問服務。公司管理層為政府註冊安全審核員及註冊安全主任,有豐富的經驗且建立實力團隊,為各行各業持續提升職業安全健康水準。主要提供職安健、質量認證顧問服務
Industry: Information technology
Number of employee: 90
Pocity Security Systems Co Limited
保安系統工程公司, 負責安裝及保養保安系統工程,範圍遍布全港九新界。
Industry: Business services
Number of employee: 8
Working with customers day by day, side by side, we understand every aspect of the user experience. Every ISS person in every customer facility is one of us – trained, equipped, motivated and empow...
Industry: Domestic services
Number of employee: 40