蟲害防治技術員 (日班兼職)

Employer Info

Ecolab Limited 藝康化工有限公司

Company User

About Ecolab A trusted partner for millions of customers, Ecolab (NYSE: ECL) is a global sustainability leader offering water, hygiene and infection prevention solutions and services that protect p...Know more

Job Info
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  • 提供滅蟲服務給酒店及餐廳集團客戶
  • 為客戶提供及根治預防蟲患或鼠患的建議


  • 兼職日班 : 上午9時至下午6時或下午2時至下午6時 
  • 工作日數︰每星期1-3天
  • 工作日數及時間可商議


  • 跟公司車為香港、九龍、新界的客戶提供服務


  • 無需工作經驗
  • 待人有禮, 有責任感及願意學習綜合害蟲防治行業
  • 良好溝通技巧, 粵語, 懂讀寫中文

求職者可致電/ Whatsapp 9010 4917 申請。 如要索取收集個人資料聲明, 請與劉小姐(Email: hr.hk@ecolab.com)聯絡。  

Beware of Employment Traps

Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.

Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.

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