EVENT HELPER/ PROMOTER/ 會展活動助理 $65-$70/小時

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I-Proactive Recruitment Consultant offers a wide range of consulting services with the necessary tools and expertise to help grow your business. We partner with our clients focusing on their needs ...Know more

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EVENT HELPER/ PROMOTER/ 會展活動助理 $65-$70/小時

地點: HKCEC 教育展-灣仔會展- 協助介紹學校課程
Date & Time:
2022-12-7 (Wed) : 10am - 6pm $520 有午飯時間
2022-12-8 (Thu) : 10am - 6pm $520有午飯時間
2022-12-9 (Fri) : 10am - 5pm $455有午飯時間

24/12 (六): 10:00-7:00 $585工作內容:賣傢俬/賣樓/ 銷售
25/12 (日): 10:00-7:00 $585工作內容:賣傢俬/賣樓/ 銷售
26/12 (一): 10:00-7:00 $585工作內容:賣傢俬/賣樓/ 銷售
27/12 (二): 10:00-7:00 $585工作內容:賣傢俬/賣樓/ 銷售


📩有興趣可以聯絡👇🏻Whatsapp : 63834168

Yan Yan Pun 

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