Companies - Page 185

  • 莎莎化粧品有限公司

    We are a listed company and one of the leading cosmetics retailers with business in the Asia Pacific region. To cope with our aggressive growth and expansion plan, we are currently seeking a profe...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 2000

  • Birdland Hong Kong Limited

    肯德基是全球最受歡迎和知名的食品連鎖店之一,於港澳有超過90間分店及4,800名員工,一直致力為顧客提供優質產品及服務。為了支持肯德基的業務擴張我們現誠邀高質素、精益求精及充滿幹勁活力的你,加入成為我們團隊的一份子。 肯德基是香港怡和飲食集團成員之一,集團旗下擁有Pizza Hut、PHD及KFC於香港及澳門之特許經營權並有超過200間分店及9,000名員工。 

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 5000

  • Pizza Hut Hong Kong Management Limited

    Pizza Hut Hong Kong Management Limited is the leading pizza restaurant over 120 shops and about 4,700 employees in Hong Kong and Macau. Pizza Hut is committed to be the all-time favorite, serving p...

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 5000

  • Dream c’True

    兼職熟手美容師 懂人手按面/針清/儀器操作 即曰出糧 彈性時間上班 電話:92197151

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 1

  • 耀高消防工程公司

    職位類別  建造業 : 監工  職位描述 ; 負責地盤工程管理 / 管理施工 / 開會 / 書信來往/簡單體力勞動   其它建造業工作 : 公司同時聘請 工程師/文職/初級助理等職位 (歡迎what app查詢)   對水喉工程、消防工程有經驗優先  懂AutoCad優先  良好英文/粵語  月薪HKD 15000-40000  * 每星期5天半至6天工作  * 工作地點:牛頭角 ...

    Industry: Construction

    Number of employee: 5

  • Macy Future Technology Limtied


    Industry: Finance

    Number of employee: 30

  • Jet Light Engineering Ltd

    Industry: Construction

    Number of employee: 15

  • Dunamis International Company Limited

    Dunamis International Co., Ltd. is one of the leading mobile phone and electronic gadgets trading companies in Hong Kong (Kwun Tong area). Making trades with customers all over the world since 1997.

    Industry: Import and export trades

    Number of employee: 60


    ONE 一群專注於財富管理,全球頂級基金投資信託服務和退休規劃等方面的專家。我們專注於投資,提供一站式財富管理方案。我們將各行各業的人們聯繫在一起,包括銀行家、醫生、律師、藝術家、工程師、IT 專業人士、飛行員、初創企業家、管理專業人士。如果您喜歡與人共事,建立聯繫,並且對事業和個人成長都有強烈的渴望,於ONE建立個人事業王國 。 ONE文化   -文化多樣性 團員來自不同背景,包括全球...

    Industry: Insurance

    Number of employee: 30

  • Wai Yip Building Construction Company Limited

    Industry: Construction

    Number of employee: 18

  • Physical

     全職/兼職舞蹈班導師     職責  - 教授團體跳舞課堂  - 教授課堂:瑜伽/普拉提/爵士舞/Hip-pop/ 社交舞/ Zumba/單車/伸展等課堂     要求  - 三年或以上舞蹈教學經驗 / 有舞台表演經驗 / 持有專業資格優先考慮  - 良好的溝通技巧  - 性格開朗、有活力、有耐心、有責任心     *應屆舞蹈學院畢業生或較少教學經驗者會考慮     薪酬   - 全職月薪...

    Industry: Other personal services

    Number of employee: 2000

  • See You At The Top

    -See You at The Top is a training and career enhancement start-up in Hong Kong. -We provide training, coaching, counselling to young graduates to shape them into leaders of tomorrow. -Our parent ...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 10

  • Belle Stage

    Belle Stage位於旺角市中心的Belle Stage,十四年來一直盡心盡力為客人提供優質服務,近年亦引入新興的微創療程及無創提拉療程,以貼近客人所需

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 4

  • TravelConnect Limited


    Industry: Information technology

    Number of employee: 10

  • coffeeflow X The Old Hangar

    Unique Concept Group 旗下餐飲品牌 coffeeflow X The Old Hangar coffeeflow 位於美孚饒宗頤文化館內,以文青風格為主題,打造為城市綠州 The Old Hangar 位於啟德郵輪碼頭,以全新主題佈置呈現眼前,更適合舉辦婚宴,為一對新人締造浪漫回憶 

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 50

  • Golden apple transportion ltd


    Industry: Transport

    Number of employee: 15

  • 嘉頓有限公司

    Founded in 1926 in HK, Garden is one of the leading bakery and confectionery companies in the Greater China Region. We have diversified product portfolio in bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries and can...

    Industry: Other manufacturing industries

    Number of employee: 800

  • Oriental Pegasus Development Limited

    Industry: Wholesale

    Number of employee: 20

  • AKED partiers company limited

    English learning centre

    Industry: Education services

    Number of employee: 3

  • Sun Chung Property Management Limited

    Sun Chung Property Management Co. Ltd., (新中物業管理有限公司), a subsidiar of Bank of China Group Investment Ltd. (中銀集團投資有限公司), has been incorporated in Hong Kong since 1982,is a specialist in property rela...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 200