Companies - Page 183
We are an energetic and dynamic institution, catering for the needs of comprehensive education in the Hung Hom District. Since our establishment, we’ve been one of the most reputable education cent...
Industry: Education services
Number of employee: 3
Moon River Studio Limited
本公司業務為售賣情趣用品,主力經營網購生意,現時亦與 HKTV Mall 及 合作。 為了擴充業務,本公司將來亦會主力於網上作宣傳推廣。如果你對情趣用品行業有興趣,歡迎你加入我們!
Industry: Retail
Number of employee: 3
主要職責:做店內一切事務,包括負責預備及製作食品 入職要求: 年滿十八歲,學歷及工作經驗不拘 工作時間: 1600-2330 薪酬福利:時薪47至49 可在職培訓每周工作可以四至六天 如有查詢,歡迎致電,34174578
Industry: Catering
Number of employee: 20
Ztore HK Limited
Industry: Retail
Number of employee: 200
Oxfam Hong Kong
樂施會的願景是實現一個無窮的世界,每個人均獲得應有的權利,脫離貧窮,享有美好的生活。 樂施會是樂施會國際聯會的成員,是一個建基香港的獨立發展及救援機構。我們與貧窮社群及夥伴機構攜手合作,推行發展、人道救援、政策倡議及公眾教育等項目。 如果你對滅貧工作有熱誠,並且有志為消除貧窮貢獻力量,請加入我們的團隊,一起為世界帶來改變。欲了解更多我們的工作,請瀏覽 We...
Industry: Others
Number of employee: 100
Wealthful Interiors Limited
We are a fast-growing interior contractor and furniture manufacturer. Main businesses include interior design, fitting-out contracting and furniture supply for high-end residential, retail shop, of...
Industry: Others
Number of employee: 10
Sheeta Liu
KOS International Limited is a specialist recruitment firm focus on serving leading multinational companies and striving local businesses in the Asia Pacific region.
Industry: Business services
Number of employee: 50
本公司的宗旨是提供「高質素、有系統、多元化」的教育服務,利用互動的教學方法使學生能從享受中學習,並達到「學以致用」的效果。 本公司專門為港澳兩地各界機構提供教育服務,內容多元化,對象包括幼稚園、小學、中學、政府資助計劃、政府教育部門、成人及教師培訓計劃、社區中心乃至私人會所,經驗超過二十年。 除了重點項目英語拼音、文法、會話和數學課程外,本公司亦有為各校編制中、英、數之輔導及暑期課程等。 W...
Industry: Education services
Number of employee: 20
One Platform Consultancy
As one of the most successful and expanded teams, leading by a professional financial advisor with over 15 years of solid experience in financial management consulting, customer centricity has alwa...
Industry: Finance
Number of employee: 150