Companies - Page 189

  • Computer Services & Management (HK)

    Industry: Communication

    Number of employee: 30


    Industry: Other personal services

    Number of employee: 35

  • Unicat Cattery

    Our business focuses on providing different brands of services to cater the pet market needs.

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 4

  • Novation Solutions Limited

    Novation Solutions Limited “NOVSN” was formed in 1989 for providing quality commercial printing for Hong Kong’s bank group. NOVSN is a wholly owned subsidiary of ADERA Global in Singapore.   Nowada...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 300

  • Sky Consultancy Company

    Industry: Finance

    Number of employee: 10

  • Pirata Group Limited

    Pirata Group was founded on a shared dream brought to life by the question of “what do you think if we built our own restaurant?” Striving to be brutally honest, safe, attentive, innovative, transp...

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 250

  • Spartans Asset Management Company

     本公司為了擴展團隊業務, 誠意邀請各行業人士加盟我們團隊.   我們的願景是培育業界精英, 創建共同價值觀和使命感. 我們以互助互勉, 為共同目標而奮鬥, 並且鍥而不捨, 集思廣益, 務求達到精益求精, 打造一支卓越團隊. 公司秉持務實的態度, 為支持新人實現夢想, 提供一系列新人在職培訓課程(免費)   1) 行內專業知識 2) 理財產品知識 3)銷售訓練 4)人際溝通技巧 5)客戶...

    Industry: Insurance

    Number of employee: 10

  • Cupid Beauty 專業美容中心

    Cupid Beauty 專業美容中心 多項認證 ISO 9001,ISO 10002,QBSS 2020年 香港服務名牌 (香港唯一美容品牌得獎) 2019年 香港新星服務品牌 2019 年 亞洲太平洋小姐指定美容中心 2019 年 NowTV 港人港情品牌得獎 

    Industry: Other personal services

    Number of employee: 45

  • eastern food trading company

    Industry: Advertisement

    Number of employee: 4

  • Kids Blossom Limited

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 2

  • 環球置富地產代理有限公司

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 1

  • 天發祥木行有限公司

    Industry: Construction

    Number of employee: 8

  • ECCO Shoes Hong Kong Limited

    Since ECCO was founded in 1963 in Denmark, it is ECCO's vision to be the most wanted brand within innovation and comfort footwear. We can only attain that position by constantly and courageously re...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 140

  • 卓越教育有限公司


    Industry: Education services

    Number of employee: 20

  • lexus time limited


    Industry: Manufacture of electronic parts

    Number of employee: 20

  • One Sixteenth Coffee

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 10

  • Multi Lines International Company

    We are a sizable international sourcing organization with 60,000 square feet studio showcasing 5000+SKUs supplied to countries including UK, Ireland, Canada , Denmark, France, Germany and India wit...

    Industry: Import and export trades

    Number of employee: 150


    Industry: Communication

    Number of employee: 20

  • Shine Star International Limited

    以廣東話工作為主 著重Work Life Balance 工作模式 公司是合作平台 , 與多間工公司合作  亦有不同的工作崗位 有Training 提供

    Industry: Finance

    Number of employee: 150

  • 中原地產

    🔴每日營營役役返工等收工 🔴付出幾多人工都係無增長 🔴公司經營困難,隨時被裁員 🔵想要改變未來生活質素!想付出同收入成正比!想置業買車掌握優質生活! 加入我地團隊😎,助你收入複式增長👍 📞查詢致電或Whatsapp 60588400 梁生 

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 200
