Companies - Page 345

  • Full Run Insurance Broker Limited


    Industry: Insurance

    Number of employee: 6

  • 新源光學實業有限公司

    新源光學實業有限公司創立於1994年,是由香港的管理人員直接管理。 本公司由成立以來一直專注於藍寶石錶鏡及藍寶石 手機鏡面及光學產品的生產和加工,現今自設廠房面積 已達10,000多平方米,共有800多人,公司擁有先進的 生產設備,年產量1,800萬片高品質的產品並引入現 代化企業管理理念亦通過ISO9001管理體系。

    Industry: Manufacture of electronic parts

    Number of employee: 800

  • Gold Access

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 12

  • Amiralty Chemical Ltd

    Industry: Import and export trades

    Number of employee: 6

  • Klaxon Limited

    Medium-Sized Business Group in Central dealing in trading comodities and property holding.

    Industry: Import and export trades

    Number of employee: 4

  • Hong Yeung (Hong Kong) Ltd

    Kam Kiu Aluminum Group was established in 1983 and its head office is located in Hong Kong. Its production base is located in Taishan City. The factory covers an area of 389,000 square meters and h...

    Industry: Import and export trades

    Number of employee: 10

  • E Vacations (HK) Limited

    我們是一間專業的旅遊公司,在香港經營了多年。為客人提供一站式專業的旅遊服務,承諾為客人透過旅遊創造一個難忘的假期,有價值的回憶。我們把團及自助遊的好處合二為一,令服務更貼心,完全為客人度身訂做一套合適自己的配套。服務由:  飛機票,酒店,行程設計,代辦簽証,火車票,代訂私人導遊,租車服務,主題公園入場券,local Tour…等等。

    Industry: Hotels and boarding houses

    Number of employee: 6


    Industry: Transport

    Number of employee: 26

  • Ingrid Millet Limited

    Ingrid Millet Ltd. is a subsidiary of Aesthetic Healthcare Group in beauty with a portfolio of international brand names worldwide. We are now undergoing rapid expansion and looking for an experien...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 1300

  • metalabs hongkong limited

    Industry: Import and export trades

    Number of employee: 7

  • Artech Design & Productions Co. Ltd

    Artech Design and Productions Co., Ltd is one of the largest theming creation and animatronics design and fabrication firms in Hong Kong and well reputed in the international theme park industry. F...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 60

  • Pretty Beauty

    Pretty Beauty 自1985年成立至今已35年,全港共有16間分店,遍佈香港,九龍,新界。 本公司以「以人為本,服務為先」為服務宗旨,採用先進科技、儀器,配合專業美容師和多元化美肌修身療程。  歡迎有拼勁,熱愛銷售,積極主動的精英們加入我們的專業團隊,共創美好前程!  

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 300

  • 毅寶顧問有限公司


    Industry: Welfare institutions

    Number of employee: 30


    Industry: Wholesale

    Number of employee: 4

  • Kingland (Sino) Company Limited

    Industry: Construction

    Number of employee: 95

  • The Mira Hong Kong

    A member of the Design Hotels™ network of exclusive global properties, The Mira Hong Kong is a tech-friendly urban retreat that has been designed to ignite all your senses right in the heart of bus...

    Industry: Hotels and boarding houses

    Number of employee: 550

  • Manpower Services

    About Us ManpowerGroup Greater China Limited, the largest workforce solutions provider in the Greater China region by revenue in 2017, according to CIC (China Insights Consultancy Limited)., We pro...

    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 200

  • 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service

    浸信會愛羣社會服務處(於2010年之前稱為浸會愛羣社會服務處),於1978年由香港浸信會聯會,授權香港浸會大學(前稱為香港浸會學院)籌辦,並於1982年成立,正式投入服務。本處初期在灣仔及港島區提供多元化社區服務,經過三十多年的不斷發展,服務地區已擴展至荃灣、葵涌、青衣、長沙灣、旺角、佐敦、土瓜灣、彩虹、沙田及大埔等各區。 服務包括兒童、青少年及家庭綜合服務、幼兒學校、長者綜合服務、精神健康...

    Industry: Welfare institutions

    Number of employee: 500

  • Three To Eighty Enterprises Limited

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 25



    Industry: Other community and social services

    Number of employee: 100