Companies - Page 355

  • Bluebell Hong Kong Limited

    Since 1954, the BLUEBELL GROUP has been successfully marketing and promoting imported products of the highest quality throughout Asia. Through experience, we have developed a deep understanding of ...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 300

  • Tsui Wah Group

    翠華餐廳 創立於1967年,由前身一間旺角小冰室,發展為今天的連鎖餐飲集團,翠華集團現擁有超過60間分店遍佈香港、澳門及中國。以「快、靚、正」為服務宗旨,翠華致力弘揚「健康優質的地道飲食文化」,讓每位顧客都感到賓至如歸。

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 1500

  • Motivation Consultant

    我們提供長期, 短期及合約人才仲介服務,由我們專人搜索及挑選合適人選,以減低客戶在招聘的繁重工序和成本並即時提供快捷的人力資源配對。

    Industry: Finance

    Number of employee: 58

  • Texury Sewing Studio Ltd

    Texury Sewing Studio is based in Hong Kong and specialises in production of fire retardant stage draperies and decorative fabrics for the entertainment and performance industry. Our team is experie...

    Industry: Manufacture of textile

    Number of employee: 6

  • BGC Group (HK) Limited

    BGC Group (HK) Limited  Human Resources Consulting / Recruitment Agency / Training  Bridging Growing Careers BGC Group is an international recruitment and manpower outsourcing firm that identifies ...

    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 300

  • Regal Motors Limited

    Regal Motors Limited (a member of Dah Chong Hong Holdings), is a sole distributor of MAN and SINOTRUK Commercial Vehicles(e.g. trucks, tractors, buses and coaches) in Hong Kong and Macau, would lik...

    Industry: Import and export trades

    Number of employee: 100

  • Ricacorp Property Limited

    持牌地產代理 職位要求: 全職、兼職營業代表 持有效地產代理牌照 中五/具同等程度或以上 十八歲或以上人士 歡迎應屆畢業生 有銷售經驗者優先考慮 職位內容 負責協助日常銷售工作 (例如 推介各區一手、二手樓盤) 跟進客户辨理銀行按揭 負責協助基本服戶服務工作  ******積極進取,月入10萬年薪過百絕不是夢!******* *歡迎任何人仕 N無青年 /有營銷經驗人任轉職 / ...

    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 1000

  • Linking Health Medical Centre

    We are a big children growth and development centre in shek Mun whic provide many services including learning, therapy 

    Industry: Education services

    Number of employee: 6

  • 簡便投資移民公司

    供各類之移民服務 如歐洲 及香港投資移民

    Industry: Finance

    Number of employee: 5

  • XAB Management Hong Kong Limited

     XAB擁有自己嘅車隊同受薪司機,並提供專業培訓,不僅為的士重拾應有嘅形象,仲提供比一般的士更舒適,更快捷,更安心嘅服務 。  

    Industry: Transport

    Number of employee: 25

  • The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers

    成立於1961年,為自願戒毒人士提供國際推許的綜合戒毒治療及康復服務。提供獨特創新,與時並進的禁毒宣傳及預防教育。Established in 1961, provides internationally renowned voluntary drug treatment and rehabilitation services to all drug abusers. works towar...

    Industry: Other community and social services

    Number of employee: 250

  • Kango Forklift Sales & Service Ltd.

    本公司為專營工業車輛及維修事項, 零件買賣

    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 30


    Industry: Education services

    Number of employee: 10

  • BreadTalk Concept Hong Kong Limited

    BreadTalk Concept Hong Kong Limited 是新加坡麵包物語集團成員。成立於2000年的麵包物語集團, 迅速成為了新加坡家喻戶曉的出眾品牌。集團通過旗下的精品麵包店、餐館與食閣很快地在國際餐飲業的舞臺上留下深刻足跡。本集團全球僱用超過七千位員工,目前共有超過八百多家店舖,分佈於新加坡、中國、香港、與中東等的領域。 集團現時在香港經營的品牌包括 Food Repub...

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 500

  • KOS Staffing limited

    Industry: Other personal services

    Number of employee: 50

  • Joint Talent Employment Consultants

    Joint Talent Employment Consultants is one of the leading licensed recruitment companies in Hong Kong which specializes in Sales and Marketing, Supply Chain, Logistics & procurement, Retail Ope...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 50

  • Regal Airport Hotel

    Industry: Hotels and boarding houses

    Number of employee: 400


    Industry: Wholesale

    Number of employee: 20

  • Advance Resources Consulting Group Limited

    Advance Resources offers professional and efficient HR solution. We are member of various Hong Kong association such as HKGCC, HKiHRM, HKGCSMB, IEA & etc. Our team possesses decades of human re...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 30

  • Global Business Limited

    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 8