Companies - Page 360

  • Gammon Security & Technology Limited

    Anglo East ( in Hong Kong is a leading provider of insurance broking, security and delivery services to the retail, wholesale and manufacture jewellery traders on risk manageme...

    Industry: Others

    Number of employee: 100

  • Express Arrival Service Limited 保運服務有限公司

    Anglo East 東英集團 ( in Hong Kong is a leading provider of insurance broking, security and delivery services to the retail, wholesale and manufacture jewellery traders on risk man...

    Industry: Transport

    Number of employee: 100

  • RecruitFirst Ltd

    RecruitFirst is the fastest growing human resource consultancy in the Asia Pacific. We are focused on providing our clients temporary, contract and permanent employment solutions, ranging from supp...

    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 40


    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 2500

  • Jumbo International Management Limited

    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 5

  • AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co Ltd

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 100

  • D'urban


    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 100

  • We Globe Industrial Limited

    We Globe is a young company based in Hong Kong with strategic partners in Shanghai and Bangladesh. We source and produce baby and children apparel for our clients!!

    Industry: Manufacture of wearing apparel except footwear

    Number of employee: 5

  • Sharetea 歇腳亭 加拿分店

    Sharetea 歇腳亭 目前在港澳、中國大陸、菲律賓、馬來西亞、新加坡甚至美國,都可以看到『歇脚亭』的招牌,鄭凱隆董事長帶著最專業的經營團隊,至各國市場裡用心的觀察各地風俗民情及飲食習慣,再加上成熟的『加盟體制』與『對品質要求絕不妥協』的精神與服務的熱忱,將對生活與健康的用心延伸到世界各地,未來更將拓展到汶萊、杜拜、澳洲等國家,成為台灣飲品業在全球市場卓越領先的品牌;『分享簡單,幸福延伸...

    Industry: Catering

    Number of employee: 5

  • AEON (Tuen Mun Store)

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 300

  • Aeon Stores (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd.

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 3500

  • AEON Stores (Hong Kong)Co., LTD

    永旺(香港)百貨有限公司(「永旺百貨」)成立於1985年12月,並於1994年2月在香港聯合交易所上市,主要業務為經營綜合購物百貨店(GMS),提供物有所值及一應俱全的日常生活用品給顧客。永旺百貨於1987年在太古創立第一間JUSCO康怡店(現AEON康怡店),其後在港、九、新界各區相繼開設分店。永旺百貨一直以來積極發展多元化的業務及擴充市場領域,相繼開設獨立超級市場AEON SUPERMA...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 3500

  • 希慎興業有限公司


    Industry: Real estate

    Number of employee: 500

  • China Optical Equipments Company

    China Optical Equipments Company China Optical Equipments Company is a subsidiary of Anhui Changgeng Optics Technology Company Limited. We are a new and rising manufacturer of interchangeable camer...

    Industry: Import and export trades

    Number of employee: 14

  • Charming Printing Limited

    Industry: Construction

    Number of employee: 60

  • 盈健醫療有限公司

    Human Health Group has been providing healthcare services to the Hong Kong community since 1997. We are a leading private integrated healthcare service provider with comprehensive outpatient capabi...

    Industry: Business services

    Number of employee: 500

  • Eaton HK

    Eaton Workshop是一家以推廣文化、具主題性、配合酒店業務、健康概念和社會變革為導向目標的公司。由香港土生土長的羅寶璘小姐創立,致力改革傳統酒店業務的定位。Eaton Workshop由以下部分組成 - 酒店、Eaton House共用工作間、Eaton Media數碼平台、健身中心及社會改革理念合成,以號召世界各地的創新變革之士和創意一族為目標。同時亦透過以上五個支柱,成為創意社...

    Industry: Hotels and boarding houses

    Number of employee: 320

  • Gap Limited

    Doris and Don Fisher opened the first Gap store in 1969 with a simple idea — to make it easier to find a pair of jeans — and a commitment to do more. Over the last 48 years, the company has grown f...

    Industry: Retail

    Number of employee: 100

  • Anywhere Everywhere Six Degrees Link Limited

    Industry: Information technology

    Number of employee: 20

  • Victoria Uniform

    維多利校服公司 創立於一九八三年。首間門市設置於香港上環。主要業務為生產及售賣各類校服,制服,運動服,配件及成衣產品等。 經過多年來不斷努力並累積經驗,維多利的業務亦穩定地成長。門市網絡已增長至十一間,分店遍佈港、九及新界。為本港較大具規模之一站式校服及配件服務供應商。 維多利於中國廣州投資自設廠房,擁有現代化生產線及技術設備。所有校服及制服成品均經過嚴格的品質監控程序,故所有產品質量均...

    Industry: Manufacture of wearing apparel except footwear

    Number of employee: 90