Companies - Page 358
Health Care & Co.
Health Care & Co. We are a medical supply company established in Hong Kong since 1979. Over these years, we have successfully gained our reputation by introducing new medical supplies and equip...
Industry: Wholesale
Number of employee: 160
The Swank Shop Ltd
The Swank Shop Limited Seasons by Seasons in the past 60 years, THE SWANK has been striving to set the fashion trend and grace the wardrobes. The multi-brand luxury fashion house, currently owned ...
Industry: Retail
Number of employee: 100
KOSE (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
Industry: Retail
Number of employee: 150
Concord optical co.
VisionMall HK- Concord Optical Co. Founded by our father for more than 24 years, we have always been committed to providing the highest quality products and services at an affordable price. We ai...
Industry: Retail
Number of employee: 4
Macrotech Security & management Services Limited
公司資歷麥高廸保安集團於2005 年12 月由兩位分別來自香港及上海的保安專家創辦在香港以麥高廸保安及管理服務有限公司之名營運。 而在上海其營運公司命名為全安安全管理( 上海) 有限公司。 自成立以來, 本集團銳意擴展, 如今已在上海, 北京及香港設有辦事處, 受僱員工超過1,000 名。
Industry: Other personal services
Number of employee: 500
Industry: Real estate
Number of employee: 16
HKT Services LTD
關於香港電訊 香港電訊(香港聯合交易所上市代號:6823)是香港首屈一指的電訊服務供應商及領先的固網、寬頻及流動通訊服務營運商,提供廣泛的服務以滿足全港市民、本地及國際商界的需要,包括本地電話、本地數據及寬頻、國際電訊、流動通訊、企業方案,以及客戶器材銷售、外判服務、顧問服務及客戶聯絡中心等其他電訊服務。 香港電訊在香港提供獨特的「四網合一」體驗,聯同母公司電訊盈科有限公司透過香港電訊的固網...
Industry: Communication
Number of employee: 16200
Save the Children Hong Kong Limited
Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organization for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children's lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfill their potential. ...
Industry: Other community and social services
Number of employee: 50