兼職銷售員 Part-time Sales Executive

Employer Info

ISSI Boutique International Limited

Company User

ISSI is a worldwide luxury specialty store, offering a large collection of international fashion brands and products. For details, please refer to https://issioutlet.com.hk/  Know more

Job Info
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Job duties

  • Responsible for daily shop operation
  • Provide good service to customers
  • Arranging and displaying products


  • Form 5 or above
  • Min. 1 year of experience
  • Good communication skills and helpful
  • Good command of Cantonese, Mandarin and English 

Working hours: 3-4 days per week including Saturday or Sunday (1100-1700/1400-2000)

Working location: Kowloon Bay MegaBox

Interested parties please send your CV with expected salary to hr@issi-boutique.com 

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