Admin Manager

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拍片王.COM的團隊擁有各類型宣傳短片製作及影視內容行銷 (Video Content Marketing) 經驗多年來為香港及內地,各大小公司、政府部門及各類機構團體製作過數以百計的專業影片及用以進行推廣,深受愛戴。 隨著影視數碼技術的發展,影視製作成本顯得豐儉由人,加上智能手機、平板電腦…等網上影視傳播已更普及,宣傳推廣已進入視頻網絡年代;而宣傳渠道不再局限於入場費高不可攀的電視台,...Know more

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Admin Manager A small but fast expanding & reforming company ( & 拍片王.com), focusing on high-to-low-end professional TV commercial & video content marketing services. Headquartered in Tai Kok Tsui, 15-min walk from Prince Edward MTR station, with licensed Guangzhou branch serving Mainland market, we invite experienced, energetic & dedicated leader to join our management team.Job Highlights :-A determined key leader able to bear harsh management work-To reform a 20-person company-With huge bonus & promotion opportunity to top management-Golden chances in a small company with top-1 portfolio-Great prospect in a fast growing industry-Paperless office, highly digitalised daily operation, ICT intensive, Mac-based-Heavy responsibilities, NOT a 9-to-5-office jobJob Target:-To make company profit-To manage the company cost-efficientlyJob Duties :-To provide win-win solutions, strategies & plans-To set & to meet targets & deadlines-To reform the company-To lead HRM-To lead office admin-To plan & execute financial operation-To remotely manage Guangzhou branch-Occasional short trip to China & flexible hoursRequirements :-Knowledge & experience in HRM & HK labor law are MUSTs-Proficient ICT & eMarketing knowledge are MUSTs-Diploma or above in Business Management/Administration or relevant discipline-3 years or above experience in management grade with all-round experiences-Excellent command of spoken and written English, Cantonese & Mandarin-Experience in advertising agency or on-line marketing is a plus-Immediately available or short notice is preferablePersonality :-LEADERSHIP capabilities & ambitious-Accept responsibility, huge pressure & work independently-Perseverance on targets, flexible on solutions, can-do attitude-Fast learner & positive attitude towards corrective feedback, active listener-prioritise multi-tasks, time-management, well-organised & attention to details-Negotiation and presentation skills-Spirit of work ethicApplication :Starting below $30k, but huge annual bonus & career prospect for competent leader.Interested, please email full resume and application letter to Statement :Data collected will be used for recruitment purposes only. Personal data provided will be used strictly in accordance with the relevant data protection law and privacy policy.

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