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CR was Established in 1967, we are one of the leading building contractors in Hong Kong with over 50 years of experience. We principally act as a main contractor in building construction works and ...Know more

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職責: 在項目經理/地盤總管的指引下監督、指揮及協調建造工人及有關的工作。

工作時間:08:00-18:15, 六天工作, 長短週 

資格及要求:HKCEE/ HKDSE 學歷程度,懂得中英文電腦操作及中文打字,具相關經驗優先 


有意者請附上個人履歷及要求待遇電郵至 hr@czcgl.com.hk 申請職位 。   

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