Employer Info
Job Info
- 現招募3-4名有熱誠工作夥伴🤗
- 工作職責:
- 搜尋客源,宣傳推廣,
- 多勞多得。薪金無上限。月薪可高達六位數上😋😋
- 良好的工作環境 公司不定時舉行旅遊,聚餐。大假,
- 專人教導一二手市場
- 新人獎金及開單獎金
- 人一時物一世,俾自己一個發圍機會,唔嘗試無人知道你得唔得
- 預約見工搵:TOM WONG
- http://wa.me/85260270006?text=我想見工
Please do not provide sensitive info such as HKID, Back Account and Credit Card Number when you apply the job post.
Don't believe in job advertisements requiring barely any experience or qualifications but offering a good sum of money.